Author's Note

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Thank you SO much for reading this book! I have been working on it since last August, and I'm so glad to finally have it finished so I can share it with you guys!

If you got lost or confused at any point during the story, please just be honest and let me know so that I can try to either (a). explain it better or (b). fix it through editing. Because it's my own original idea, it may make perfect sense to me but be confusing to you, and I don't want anyone to be confused lol! My goal is to have readers be able to understand the plot and terminology, but still have it be easy to remember. And of course, I want readers to be able to enjoy it!

And yeah, it's kinda short. But back in March Wattpad deleted ALLLL my drafts and I never got them back, so I had to start over. Hence why there's only about 40 chapters.

For those who may not know, this was actually loosely based on a dream I had last summer. It was so crazy that I wrote it down in my "dream journal" so I wouldn't forget it.

But anyway, what did you think?

And now for the questions, because I'm a curious person. . .

Who was your favorite character and why?

What part was your favorite and why?

Did you see the plot twist coming near the end?

At what parts were you confused/a tad bit lost?

Anything else you'd like to add?

And of course, please tag someone (in the prologue) who you think would enjoy it, because I'm a th0t 4 reedz lolol

But again, thank you SO much for reading, it means the world to me! ❤

~ ya boi T

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