Part 3 - Bone

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" Peel them down to their bones and you will see just what they are meant to be."


The lights flashed brightly. Blindingly. A sick, bright white. The boy squinted his eyes open, flipping off his lights, unsure of how they even got turned on.

A man stood in the room, staring at the kid in the bed. The kid jumped, clutching his chest. He couldn't see the man's eyes, or any of his face due to the hat he wore. "Don't be alarmed," the man said, keeping the kid from screaming. "I need your help with something. I hear you're a Hunter. So am I."

The boy squinted at the man, "How did you-"

"Nevermind the details," the man quickly interjected, handing the boy a folder. "Look through this. Contact me if you'd like to join."

"What is it?" the boy asked, his voice still hoarse.

"We're gathering Hunters to retaliate against the idiots who started this mess," the man said. "To put an end to the Hunter Mission."

"So no more killing?" the boy asked.

"No more killing," the man repeated. "I learned my lesson, and learned why we need to put an end to it. But it's gonna take a lot of people to get the job done."

The kid eyed the man curiously. "You learned your lesson? How?"

The man pulled down his shirt collar to reveal several stitches and bandages, right along his throat.


Song: Fire in my Bones by Fleurie

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