Chapter 2

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Within a short amount of time, I press a dial on my backpack, letting out cardboard wings. I fly in the distance, trying to get away from her as swift as possible.

"Wait!" I hear her scream as I fly away.

I land and open the door of the abanded hotel apartment, what is known as my home.

I let out a deep puff.

I dig in the pockets of my clothes while I go take a sit on the couch.

"Oh my god! Where's my receiver?!"

"I must have left it on the gravesite! Dang, it!"

I yell at myself, for being so irresponsible for leaving it there.

I start to travel back.

As soon as I arrive a gathering of policemen are looking at the receiver. The girl from earlier was in handcuffs. She seemed to notice me but stays quiet.

I put on a hood that masks my face. I put on an android speech changer to avoid being caught as a human.

"That receiver belongs to my daughter, sir," I lie, trying to make my voice deeper.

"Pardon my manners, but whats your name?" He responds.

I begin to stumble my words out. "R 123"

"Are you sure your name isn't Ava Rodriguez?"

My face becomes white.

A shiver runs down my spine.

I am paralyzed.

That, was my name.

Authors Note:


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