Chapter 1

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I acknowledged that it was time to leave my mom. The watchmen were coming soon.

But I didn't want to-

despite that, I had no alternative choice.

the gates of the graveyard were almost closing and it was sunset.

Before I could blink an assortment of two robots come in before it closes.

"Someones at the gravesite! Quick!" says a girl, assuming she's a part of the police. running in my direction.

"Yes, sir!" One replies with an artificial salute.

A bunch of men, seeming like robot policemen. Year of 3086 paces towards me.

Startled, I dash into the woods. I could hear their voices as I hide behind a shrub.

"I think I saw a human! They ran into the woods!" says one of the robots.

"Human?! Pfft!" She laughs it off.

"Darnit!" I yell as the bars of the graveyard close.

Both of the sheriffs glance my way, at the same bush in the foreground of the woods I was in.

"Did you hear that?!" The youthful bot says. She looks approximately 19, my age.

"You might scare them away!

They shuffle forward, my heart begins to thump quicker than it ever has. They stop right at the shrub I was hiding in. One of them takes down the other, the robot reboots its self. I gasp in shock.

"I'm so so sorry!" I cover my face as a shield.

"I didn't mean to scare you!" she responds, flailing her arms in front of her, showing no harm.

I stand up, my hand surreptitiously goes in the back pocket of my pants where my shotgun is. She noticed.

"Look!" She takes out a makeup wipe and clears away any face paint. Declaring that she's not a robot, that it's facepaint all along.

I put my back against a tree in surprise.

"You're a human?!" I say in astonishment.

"Yeah..." She states with comfort.

I didn't believe her, I should have.

Author Note:


This is the first book I wrote, "professionally"

I would love to hear your guys criticism on the story!

Things are complicated and there's gonna be a lot of theories on this story. ihopethereis

But it'll make since when you keep on reading my saplings!


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