"Coincidence, huh?" He laughed.

"Yeah it is, isn't it?" She chuckled. "But I'll see you there, wear something nice"

"I will, see you there, Everly" He replied before they both ended the call.

"What did he say?" Vanessa asked impatiently.

"He'll come!" She squealed happily.

"Boo-yaa!" Vanessa yelled.


Several hours had gone by and Everly was in Vanessa's dorm getting ready for the party.

"I have it with me" Everly said excitedly.

"Oh, let me see it!" Vanessa yelled out in excitement.

Everly sat the bag down on V's bed as she opened the zipper, carefully taking out a dress she was planning to wear that night.
It was a beautiful red dress, it went down to right above the knees. It was simple, yet elegant.

"Gosh, Ev, you aren't playing tonight, are you?" Vanessa smiled, gazing at her dress with a look of approval. She just shrugged playfully in response.

"Bet you can't wait till your red-headed hottie arrives" She continued playfully.

"Stop" Everly answered with a dreamy smile on her face as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

"Oh, I know that smile, I know that smile. My girl has caught feelings" She said clapping, winking jokingly at her. Everly rolled her eyes. She could feel her cheeks heat up and so she hid her face in her hands.

"Hey, no judgement from me" Vanessa chuckled as she threw her hands up into the air. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's get ready!"

They put on some music, and joked around as they started to do their makeup. Everly didn't do much more to her face than usual. Well, except her lips which she painted into a shade of red, it would match her dress. Vanessa insisted to curl Ev's hair, and so she did. Afterwards, they had on their dresses.

Vanessa looked incredibly gorgeous in the silver dress she had picked from her closet. Everly was so proud to be her best friend.

"You look so beautiful!" She breathed out in awe.

"Me? I mean, wow look at you, you are absolutely stunning in that dress, Ev" Vanessa smiled widely as she looked over at her. "So, ready to go to the party!"

"As ready as I can be" Everly answered optimistically. "I just have to meet Xander first"

"Ah, I understand" She replied, winking at her with a cheesy grin. "I'll go ahead and find Jonas"

And, so, Vanessa staggered off to the party.
Everly walked out to the campus ground. It was already starting to get dark outside, but the lanterns along the streets lighted up the dark. There was a lot of people gathered all over the place. Some sitting on the grass and drinking, others walking round about. She walked for awhile, looking for him. That's when she saw the back that she recognized to be his.

"Xander" She spoke out gently. That caused him to turn around, facing her. His neutral face expression changed into a mesmerized one as his eyes landed on her.

Insanely troubled- Jeremiah Valeska fanficWhere stories live. Discover now