#1: Sleep like the humans do

Start from the beginning

When receiving a present, remember to smile. Thank the person who has given you the present and tell them how grateful you are. This rule applies even if you do not like the present.

He looked back up when Y/N entered the room with a small pile of presents. Each of them were individually wrapped. The paper they were wrapped in was 80% recycled paper and wood pulp, 20% holographic foil. He counted the number of presents. There were 4 in total. One large soft parcel, one medium soft parcel. A medium-hard parcel and a quite small hard parcel.

He smiled. If this was any other situation he could easily identify what was in the parcels, however, they were wrapped appallingly. The edges were wrinkled and the tape holding it together was used generously. He also didn't want to ruin the surprise. From the look on Y/N's face he could see this was important to her. She took her place back next to Connor.

"Connor. Can I ask you a question?" Connor nodded. "When is your birthday."
"Well Y/N. I was never born. But my model was created on the 15th of August 2038. Since I am Connor mark 2, this particular body of mine was created on the 7th  of November 2038."
"What day do you want to be your birthday?" Y/N asked. Connor thought for a moment. He had never given much interest to this subject. What day should he celebrate as the day he was 'born'?

"9th of November." He finally said. Y/N was confused. Why would he pick that date? "The day I became deviant. The day I truly became me." He explained. Y/N smiled.
"9th of November it is then. Well... Happy belated birthday, slash early Christmas, slash I love you." She handed over the parcels.

Connor couldn't help but grin. Normally he could hide his emotions quite well. But right now he could not stop smiling even if he wanted to.
"Which should I open first?" he asked. He had never opened one before. Should he go for the biggest? The smallest? One of the medium ones? So much choice. Y/N puckered her lips in thought.

"I think you should open the biggest one first." She said. Connor nodded. She knew more about presents than he did so he followed her lead. He began looking for a bit of tape he could peel off. Once he found one he began slowly picking at it.
"Connor. Just rip it." Y/N laughed holding her stomach. It had been a few minutes. Her laughter was contagious. Connor found himself laughing too. He hooked a finger under an edge and pulled. The paper was destroyed.

On his lap, alongside small pieces of paper that came off the main piece was a piece of clothing. He ran his hands over the fabric. It was soft to touch. Slightly fluffy. He would figure out its exact components, but he was overwhelmed with emotion to even try. It was a pair of Pyjamas. They were blue in color with little white paw prints on them. He ran his finger over one of the paw prints.

They didn't feel different from the feeling of the blue parts. They must be interwoven. His mouth was slightly open. He ran his fingers over the buttons and felt the pocket on one of the sides. This was the first item of clothing that was his and not Cyberlife's. Sure he still wore his suit but it reminded him of who he was. He felt like his suit was just as much as Connor as he was. Most androids got rid of their uniform when they became free but he kept his. It was also a bonus that he heard Y/N talking to one of her female co-workers saying how handsome he looked in his suit.

"Do you like them?" Y/N asked. Connor had been silent for a while admiring them.
"Yes. I like them a lot." He admitted. "The paw prints... they are like Sumos." He smiled to himself thinking about sumo. He loved that dog. "Sumo's feet are 800% times the size of these." Y/N lent forward and ran her own finger across one of the prints.
"Sumo probably had feet as small as these when he was born," Y/N commented. Connor looked at her in shock. Of course, he knew living things got bigger as they got older but the thought of the giant dog who could crush you in a second being his small made his heart theoretically grow three sizes. He knew he had three more presents but he was too enchanted by the first ones.
"You can put them on later." Y/N said. "I know you don't sleep but, you can still get comfy. I know you love your suit but I cant imagine it being comfortable 24/7." She was right.

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