Chapter 16|Puppies & Romance|

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"You always asked me
why I was always so happy.
Its because I get to be next to you,
holding your hand :) "

(Finally a daily quote that isn't sad or depressing)


Taehyungs P.O.V
For the past week I've been letting the boys crash. Its been really fun actually, and they're a big help on the chores. Today I was extra excited because

I was gonna get Enu back from the vet! I mean who needs friends or a life when you have a pet! God I'm so lonely, I'm gonna end up with like 12 more cats. (Same) Oh well, I need to get a girlfriend. (Taehyung is pansexual, but gets peer-pressured by his friends and people around to him to get a girlfriend. He hasn't told anyone he likes both girls and boys though.)

Damn I'm gonna die alone. I feel like I'm getting older by the minute. Hmm that reminds me I'm turning 21 soon. I sighed at the thought of my birthday coming out. I hated being the center of attention, I just wanted to shrink and get away from anyway. I'd rather just sit down and read my favorite book while nibbling on cake.

Today the kids Weren't here because they had a manditory class about rules, safety, and College classes. I was super relieved to know that I had an excuse of why I couldn't go.

I drove my car to the vet and saw my lil baby.

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She started licking me all crazy and jumped on me so all I could see was her face licking mine

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She started licking me all crazy and jumped on me so all I could see was her face licking mine. I giggled "hehe I missed you too Enu! Who's a good girl? Thats right you are!" By the time she got off I was super wet drenched in saliva.

Ewww great Now I'm covered with dog spit!-!!!:! .__. I ended up coming back home with a bag of doggy treats. Aish Enu what am I going to do with you. When I came home I saw Jimin sitting on the couch playing on his phone.

"Mhmmm hey Tae. whats with the dog?"

"Hmm Oh this is Enu! Enu meet Jiminie!" With that Enu ran up to jimin licking him all over. "Yaaah it tickles~! HehehehHahahahaa Oh mah god make it stahp!!!!" Jimin yelped as he was being attacked.

I ran up to him and picked up Enu and seperated the two lovers. "Aww she likes you!" I started giggling as I saw jimin with dog spit on his face while pouting. "Aish you're a mess. Here stay still." I got up to his face and got a tissue to wipe away all the saliva. By the end of it he looked like a blushing tomato. I laughed at this, I didn't even think anyone could get this red. For some reason I felt a sudden urge to kiss him. He just looked way to cute. I decided to give him a peck on the lips.

He widened his eyes and looked like he was going to explode. I started laughing like crazy. "yAH whats so funny!?" "Jimin you're too much fun! Sorry You just looked so cute. Besides calm down it was only a peck."

I was laughing when I saw that his pout turn into a smirk "well lets see how you react!" With that he got his hand and put it on my chin lowering it so we could be the same height and he kissed me. I was frozen for a good couple of seconds as he deepened the kiss. My brain finally started working as I tried to push him away but he then pushed me into the couch with him ontop. He then grabbed my hands with on of his hands pinning them above me. He kissed me more passionately and I felt myself go dizzy. With both of us battling for dominance he won and kissed me more deeply. A sniff of his scent made me go crazy I felt myself drift away until-

"I'M HOOOMEEE!" Somebody called out.


Finally I have a real update. XD

As soon as I saw a picture of Jackson I thought about a puppy and thus the inspiration for thus chapter.

Love you Wang puppy!

Btw For some reason this book is under my old username So here's my real one taehugsforeveryone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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