Chapter 782

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Having chosen to ignore the giant head that is behind him Ye Gui Feng looks to his right foot closely as he continues to apply strength in lowering it.

The concept behind the Heavenspanning Steps is something that Ye Gui Feng has no knowledge of. Everything that he is doing right now is based upon his instinct that is telling him that if he chooses to stop here the road ahead of him will only continue to lengthen making it so that he would have an even more difficult time closing this ever expanding gap that separates him from his desired future.


Under the circumstances an entire minute goes by in silence but the amount of pressure that comes from Ye Gui Feng only continues to increase and eventually-

*Kakakakakaka!* the sound of something cracking is evidently transmitted into his ears causing Ye Gui Feng's expression to turn solemn.


Although the visibility isn't too great Ye Gui Feng can clearly see a series of cracks spreading out from beneath his foot.

*Kakakaka!!* as Ye Gui Feng continues to apply strength in lowering his foot the cracks spread wider as they take on a pattern that is similar to a spiderweb.


*Kakaka!* whatever it is that had been holding Ye Gui Feng back in placing his right foot onto the Dao Road breaks.

*-!* soundlessly Ye Gui Feng's foot lands onto the Dao Road and upon accomplishing his first Heavenspanning Step the entirety of the Dao Road gives off a pale white radiance.

In the same instance the closed eyes of the giant head that is behind Ye Gui Feng twitches almost as if something had disturbed their rest.

[This is...?]

The entirety of the world had seemingly transformed right in front of his eyes causing Ye Gui Feng to be taken aback as he watches the Dao Road that is beneath his feet expanding into the far distance.

This newly formed portion of the Dao Road is rather strange as it gives off a vibrant shine of gold that reminds Ye Gui Feng the colors of a setting sun, the colors of dawn.


Gazing upon the Dao Road that is in front of him Ye Gui Feng can tell that the entirety of it is very different from the one that is behind him. This isn't a portion of his own Dao Road it is something foreign and ephemeral meaning this is just something that has temporary attached itself onto his Dao Road and would eventually depart.


Blinking his eyes Ye Gui Feng felt as if he is seeing things but-

[What is this?]

Just as Ye Gui Feng is about to raise his right hand the ghostly figure of a person walks pass him on the left.

Turning around Ye Gui Feng is met with the approaches of another ghostly figure who walks right through him without a care.


Seeing the odd behavior of Ye Gui Feng Xuan Nuo knew that he must be experiencing the same thing that every person who had taken a Heavenspanning Step had went through in the distant past.


Bewildered and not having any clue as to what is happening Ye Gui Feng watches as the phantoms advanced upon the golden road without paying any attention to his presence.

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