Expansion of Control

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Time passes with another year having gone by.

Winter is seemingly eternal as the seasons never changed. Even now it is just as cold as it has always been during the winter of last year.

According to Yao Ming Zhu this situation in which winter had been extended is something that would generally occur every 1,000 years or so.

The main cause of this situation probably has something to do with the Primordial Continent's sun being a lot further away than usual.

Daylight periods during this time of extended winter is a lot shorter than normal with the skies turning dark three hours earlier than they usually would.

Practitioners and well adapted beasts didn't have a need to be concerned in the face of this situation that is meant to last for about ten years. But the same cannot be said for the fragile mortals of this world.

The population of mortals might not seem all too significant to the cultivation world but they are an important part of the world's natural cycle.

Without mortals not as many potential practitioners will be born for mortals are the root of all those who aspire to be immortals.

To ensure that there will be mortals around by the end of this winter period the various sects and households would send out their own disciples and clansmen to provide some form of aid to them.

Other than the strangeness of the seasons not changing things in the Ni Liu Star Regions have been extremely peaceful.

It's been decided that every year those guarding the borderlines of the star region shall be swapped out with the clansmen who had stayed on the inside.

The news of there being other places to acquire good fortune and the likes had been spread around. But the opening periods of these places are rather secretive as every region of the Starry Seas hoped to keep their own resources to themselves. This really isn't too surprising of a thing to many.

However, group secrets and the likes aren't exactly something that one can hope to maintain forever. This is especially the case when the secret is something that is shared by a massive number of people.

Given enough time it doesn't take too much effort to figure out the opening periods of these locations so long as one has the patience and the money to dig around for information.

Collecting the information that pertains to these locations' whereabouts along with their opening periods is something that every single cultivation group focused on.

Should one of the highly sought after location of fortune open the clansmen of the Ni Liu family would head out into the Starry Seas to make a trip to these places as a means of tempering themselves through some hardships.

Not a single person of the Starry Seas knew what might happen in less than eight years' time but increasing one's strength is never a bad thing. This is especially true now when there are both the forces of the Yakshas and the Primordial Continent to look out for.

With that being the case competition for good fortune and the likes have never been greater than now in the Starry Seas as every single practitioner is doing whatever it takes to obtain greater strength to have a higher chance of surviving in this chaotic world of disorder.

Over the passage of this year the control of the Ni Liu family within their own region of the Starry Seas have expanded quite a bit. Currently almost every single planet in the star region has a subordinate family or sect on them.

As for the planets that didn't have a subordinate family or sect on them it isn't a matter of there being no one to choose from but instead there are simply too many to choose from.

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