47) EllieTyler562

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Today we have ... EllieTyler562!!!

Dantopaz: Why did you join wattpad?

EllieTyler562: About a year and a half ago.

Dantopaz: What story are you most proud of?

EllieTyler562: My story 'Luna Brown: Ignored, Forgotten.'

Dantopaz: If you had to choose your favourite story on wattpad, what would it be?

EllieTyler562: Why do people keep asking me this! I don't know! I read so many that its to hard to pick.

Dantopaz: What would you rate wattpad out of 100? Why?

EllieTyler562: 85, because although I absolutely love wattpad it does have some problems.

Dantopaz: What do you think could be added to wattpad to make it better?

EllieTyler562: I have a whole list of these! From a contest club, to editor access to stories.. all sorts!

Dantopaz: What’s your favourite story not on wattpad?

EllieTyler562: I have always loved Harry Potter, ever since I was 5, but at the moment I am also loving The Hunger Games.

Dantopaz: Yeah, you gotta love The Hunger Games. Who is your favourite author on all of wattpad?

EllieTyler562: Again, I don't know! I never look at the authors name.

Dantopaz: Who is your most faithful fan?

EllieTyler562: I couldn't possibly name just one, it changes all the time. In case anyones interested, I am always looking for wattpad friends.

Dantopaz: Out of your book/books, who is your favourite character?

EllieTyler562: Luna Brown. Totally and completely, although I do love all my characters.

Dantopaz: What is your most embarrassing moment, that you’re willing to share?

EllieTyler562: Mental blank.... complete and utter mental blank....

Dantopaz: What’s your best way to get rid of writers block?

EllieTyler562: I have two methods, one is to write down every single step of the story, like all the scenes and stuff. The other is to just go and do something different, or write something completely different.

Dantopaz: Are you a reader or a writer? Why?

EllieTyler562: I am both, but at the moment I am mainly a writer because I love writing at the moment!

Dantopaz: Where do you find your ideas?

EllieTyler562: Everywhere... I'll just see something, and be like that is kind of cool, and then bam! Its a story idea. Sometimes, I think my brain has a conspiracy against me, it is always working through plots and putting in little twists and bits of foreshadowing and stuff, that I don't even notice!

Dantopaz: How often do you upload your stories?

EllieTyler562: It depends what sort of mood I am in.

Dantopaz: Do you find the fact that popular stories are promoted more than undiscovered reads on wattpad annoying?

EllieTyler562: Yes! Well sort of, I think its all right to work and promote your story so it becomes popular, but sometimes you have to promote other people stories as well, because they deserve a chance as well.

Dantopaz: Are there any stories you are working on at the moment, that are not published? If so, would you mind telling us something about them/it?

EllieTyler562: I'm always working on stories.

Dantopaz: Is there anything you would like to say in addition?

EllieTyler562: Normally I would say something about it not mattering whether or not people love reading your story, so long as you loved writing it.

Dantopaz: LOL. Yeah!

And that wraps it up for today!

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