54) thatstheway

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Hello! Today we have... thatstheway!!!!

Daniela: Why did you join wattpad?

thatstheway: my friend told me about it so I decided to check it out

Daniela: How long have you been here?

thatstheway: ummm a couple months over a year 

Daniela: What story are you most proud of?

 thatstheway: I don't know really.. I have moments where I am really proud of a story because I hit a mile stone in writing and than a few weeks later that will go away

Daniela: If you had to choose your favourite story on wattpad, what would it be? D

 thatstheway: I have a lot of favorites... Betrayal (A secret Draco Malfoy Love story) ... For Hating me You Sure are Possesive... Sir I think the Bad Boy Knows About Us .... Better than Revenge.... Enjoying the Chase... My Blind Customer... There's More than Corn in Indiana... The Caged Bird does not Sing Anymore...and all the books in the Death is My Bff series (those would have to be my absolute favorite)

aniela: What would you rate wattpad out of 100? Why?

 thatstheway: 75 I really like it, but I think they could have even more options, and have even better ways of organizing it, and maybe even a way to identify users who are just here to read .. also my chat keeps not working at all, so that has been kind of annoying

Daniela: What do you think could be added to wattpad to make it better?

 thatstheway: okay a club for interviewers... the option of having your fans ask you questions on your profile thingy and than you answering them so it would be like an ongoing interview with a bunch of people... a way to just look for readers on wattpad so that it is easier to promote your stories... group chat for projects, collabs, packs, and covens... fix the problem with the meebo chat

Daniela: That's some good ideas! Might steal some of them... What’s your favourite story not on wattpad?

 thatstheway: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Daniela: Who is your favourite author on all of wattpad?

thatstheway: DaisyKate... I like Katrocks247 a lot too but I haven't read enough of her stuff to call her my favorite... favorite poet KatherineK

Daniela: Who is your most faithful fan?

thatstheway: I don't know actually... you should ask my fans that!

Daniela: Haha, you're funny too! Out of your books, who is your favourite character? 

 thatstheway: I like all my characters for different reasons

I like Lucy's blutness, quirkiness, and sense of humor

I like Alice's honesty, cyncism, bitchiness, and wit

I like Alyssa's artistic and sarcastic personality

I like Layla's indifferent personality as well as sassy wit

I like Lola's curiosity

Those were only the protaganists.. but I think you get the idea.

Daniela: What is your most embarrassing moment, that you’re willing to share?

thatstheway: I can't think of one honestly 

Daniela: What’s your best way to get rid of writers block?

thatstheway: I try not to push it, I will just promote my stories, read some cool shit, watch some movies, give some critiques.. I'll also try writing random stuff at night before I sleep... I generally get writer's fatigue/ laziness not really block 

Daniela: Are you a reader or a writer? Why?

 thatstheway: hmm it depends on my mood... I like enjoying the experiencing your own world and getting lost in it... but I also enjoy other people's writing as well as helping them improve

Daniela: Where do you find your ideas?

thatstheway: I am not entirely sure... I think they come randomly, or from different places, a combination of many different things 

Daniela: Are there any stories you are working on at the moment, that are not published? If so, would you mind telling us something about them/it?

 thatstheway: well I am working on a story that I am going to submit to the Jack London Writing Contest... I might put that on here for awhile just to get some feedback and constructive criticism... I have a bunch of ideas

1. this is sort of a twist on the whole player/ slut story... instead of them being just players/ sluts they are also succubus and incubi so when you sleep with them you die... still figuring out the plot

2. a story of a little selkie boy meeting a little girl, becoming best friends and falling in love told from the Selkie's prespective most likely called Meet Me at the Shoreline

3. a story about a church girl in the bible belt, who meets this guy who is really sacrilegious, sadistic, dark humored, sarcastic, flirty, critical.. he is not neccesarily an atheist or a satanist but he jokes about being one- it is one of those stories where the protaganist and antagonist can flip depending on how you look at it.. debating whether the guy should be a demon or not

4. this story I am thinking about legitly publishing, and working on once I have developed my writing skills a lot more... so pretty much it is about this girl named Kaitlyn who has been having these weird sort of symptoms, basically she is going through change to become a werewolf.. and basically each werewolf pack is led a different god/ goddess of the moon from different cultures, and artemis and her hunters are sort of like the council... so basically Kate meets these two guys... one is kind of cocky, flirty etc... and the other one is like her best friend... and so a sort of love triangle happens... in addition some sort of conflict breaks out among the gods which cause the packs to have this massive sort of war/ fight... so Artemis basically sends Kaitlyn on a mission to figure out what is wrong because she still has not developed the loyalty yet so she is not as biased... and yeah so Kate has to figure out how to solve this werewolf pack conflict while dealing with this guy stuff

5. this story I will work on once my skills are up to par: a girl named Mikki witnesses her bestfriend Pixie being murdered by a bunch of guys who swear to kill anyone who is a supernatural, supernatural blood, or has been tained by one.. Mikki also ends up getting killed by those guys because she has been quote on quote tainted by her best friend who had some supernatural blood in her and so now she possesive some of her minimal magical ability but without the immortality... okay so eventually she finds herself in the world of supernaturals.. and they are going extinct so she has to help fight off these people who are trying to annihalate this race of peoples... the cool thing is that most of the characters are either bi, gay, or lesbian..and their is a variety in races, also most of the supernatural creatures the main characters befriend/ interact with are either, kitsunes, gumihos, pixies, fairies, or genies ... in fact Pixie is like 1/16th pixie.. and Mikki is japanese and bi

Daniela: I can't wait to read all of those! Is there anything you would like to say in addition?  

thatstheway: thanks for reading this interview and for reading my stories

Daniela: Love all the books of yours that I've read and I'm sure anyone else that reads them will love them too.

Click the external link to go to thatstheway's profile!

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