Chapter 22

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We get back to the house and I let Grayson have some time to himself. I want to call Emily and see where she's at with her whole, fiance-being-a-rapist deal. She doesn't even know the worst part; Ethan assisted in another rape and a murder. I decide to text her, and debate whether or not to tell her this new bit of information. I end up not doing it, because there's only so much a mind can handle at one time. So instead, I start off easy and 'concerned'.

Me: Hey em... I wanted to let you go over your thoughts without me intruding, but I think it's been long enough. Where is your head right now?

I send it and set my phone down, getting up to take my prenatal vitamins. That's one of the only good outcomes of this pregnancy, thick hair and nails, and Grayson being there to support me. I smile at the thought of him tossing our kids and playing with them, taking a turn with both so neither felt left out. But then I remember how much Grayson is hurting right now, and just like that, the smile vanishes. I sigh and chew on my vitamins along with my thoughts. If only there was a way to make him stop hurting.

I walk up to the door, and hear nothing but silence. I lift a hand up, positioned to knock, but then hear the familiar ring of emily texting me. I sigh once again and head back to the living room, plopping down on the couch. The next three words I see surprise me even though I knew...

Emily: You were right.

I don't know how to feel right now, because she must be going through hell. A part of me wants to laugh, but then the other part of me feels bad and wants to comfort her. I shake my head in frustration and decide to respond, trying for a compassionate tone.

Me: If there is anything you need, I'm here for you. Just let me know.

I run my fingers through my hair, an old nervous tick of mine. I was waiting on her reply, but after about five minutes I start to get impatient. Then it hits me, I haven't heard from Grayson in a while. I get up to go check on him, placing three swift knocks on the door. No answer. "Grayson, baby? Are you alright?" Nothing. The silence is worse than noise; almost deafening. I try to open the door but the knob is locked. What the hell? He never does that. I'm starting to get worried... I need to get in that room.

I run to the closet in the main hallway, where we store our coats and grab a metal hanger. Twisting it into the correct shape, I force it into the mechanism, turning it until I hear the satisfying click of the door being unlocked. I rush into the room, and see that it's empty. Confused, I walk over to the bathroom to see that the double doors are closed too. I start to panic, but succeed at calming myself down. I walk agonizingly slow towards the doors until I halt to a stop at the sound of crying. I carefully place my hands on the white doors and gently push them open, not wanting to startle him.

My eyes narrow at the sight of grayson sitting on the edge of the bathtub holding the blade to one of my razors. Before I realize what I'm doing, the blade is somehow in my hand and Grayson's wide eyes are locked with mine. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?" I'm consumed by rage, but the sight of a tear falling down his cheek civilises me and reminds me of what I should be saying, or rather, asking. I sit down next to him, taking his hand in mine. It's trembling slightly and seeing him in this vulnerable of a state humbles me. I try again. "Grayson, look at me" I whisper, guiding his chin to face me. He looks lost and the sight of him like this brings tears to my eyes. One trails down my cheek and I think that snaps him out of it. He starts to sob uncontrollably and I feel helpless because I have no clue as to what to do. So instead I do the first thing that comes to mind.

I softly grab his face and pull it towards me as I lean in too, stopping his sobs. Looking him right in the eye I lean in until our lips are centimeters apart, and wait for him to stop me. When he doesn't, I stop hesitating and place a delicate kiss on his soft lips. I pull away and we make eyes contact again, pausing for a second then he grasps my face with his strong hands. We hold that stance for a couple seconds until I take a deep breath in. Then, my lips are enveloped by his, which are warm and plump. This is unlike anything we've had before. There are so many emotions clouding the air; anger, sadness, grief, pain, but one overcomes them all... love. I pull away and stare deep into his eyes, analyzing everything about them.His pupils dilate ever so slightly and I am almost positive mine do the same. He pulls me in again, smothering my mouth with his. His calloused thumb caresses my cheek while his tongue strokes mine every so often. We pull away and I stand up. I offer him my hand to help him up, but he is focused on something else. I follow his eyes and see almost instantaneously what he is mesmerized by.

At the peak of my bump, there is a little bulge protruding. But then it vanishes, and then it clicks. The baby is kicking. He places his large, warm hands over my stomach and I place my hands atop his. He finally breaks eye contact with my stomach and looks up at me. He is crying again, but this time it's happy tears. I smile in return and realize that I'm crying too. I sniffle and wipe my nose with the sleeve of my crewneck. We stand in that position for a while, Grayson focusing on my stomach and me focusing on Grayson. After about 10 minutes, Grayson stands up and gives me a hug. When we pull away we make eye contact once again. This whole evening has been filled with silent communication, words aren't necessary when you understand someone so well.

Hand in hand, we walk back into the bedroom, and lay down on the bed. I crawl under the covers and Grayson does the same, wrapping his arms around my side and burying his face in the crook of my neck. He inhales deeply, then softly places a kiss on the top of my boob. This time it isn't sexual, just a sign of affection. I sigh in content and play with Grayson's hair. But then I notice something.

There's blood on my shirt.

It could only be one thing since Grayson's arm is draped over my stomach. Without waking him, I turn his arm palm facing up and gasp at what I see. There are two slits decorating his wrist. I gently wipe away the blood and look closer now that it's cleaner. The cuts aren't too deep, but they will leave a scar, I'm sure of it. A small whimper escapes my mouth, and I quickly place my hand over it attempting to stop any other sounds from escaping. Grayson stirs a little, but not much. I place a small kiss on his forehead and lean back, thinking about him.

I zoned out but realize that when I snap back to reality because my phone buzzed. Ugh, what the hell? Who texts at 2:00 am? I'm aggravated until I see it's Emily. Oh, so she decides to finally text me back. I'm about to throw my phone until I catch a glimpse of what the message reads.

Emily: I've come to a decision about Ethan. What he did was unspeakable and I no longer want anything to do with him. I'm going to cut all ties with him. Every. Single. One.

Hey guys. Its currently 2:40 and I've been writing for about three hours and came up with this. I have no idea how I came up with something this short and crappy in three hours because thats a long time but anyways.... yea. It's not even edited lmao. Also, there is going to be a sequel. That was part of the three hours, me deciding how I'm going to end this book and move on to the sequel and I must say, I think that it's pretty good and I'm almost positive that y'all are going to be surprised... in a good way? Let's find out shall we.(Even though we are only 3/4 of the way through this book;D) I'm delirious.

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