Marie [Teen Fic / Romance]

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One of the first stories I ever wrote on here :) 


                I watched Nate from across the room as I sipped my strawberry smoothie. I was doing everything in my power not to smear my lip-gloss while I did it too. The lip-gloss was…you guessed it, strawberry. Which made perfect sense, me and my group of friends were known as the Strawberry Girls for a reason and everyone knew it. I wondered if Nate knew it too, as my best friend Natasha took a seat beside me.

“Um, why are you looking at death boy for?” She sneered as she popped open her container of salad.

I panicked for a moment. To Natasha, or even Jenna my second best friend, getting caught looking at Death boy was no big deal. It used to be the same for me, except now it wasn’t. Although I was at the top, one little push and it would all come crashing down. After the day before, Death boy had the power to do it. I made myself shudder dramatically before I answered.

“What? Fuck no! I was just daydreaming about that sale at H&M….”

I laughed a bit awkwardly, right as Jenny plopped herself down on our table. It didn’t take long before they were occupied talking about shoes and other crap.  I rolled my eyes as I took another drink from my smoothie. I couldn’t help it and looked towards him. I really hated myself when my heart started beating faster and my palms started to sweat. That was not the appropriate reaction towards a guy like Nate, much less coming from me

*3 months earlier*


                High school was hell.

 I was thinking this at the exact moment that I logged on to my Facebook. I didn’t even know why I had the damn thing. It wasn’t like I had any friends in real life, much less on the internet.  I tried to get comfortable on my bed as I scrolled through my notifications. I had exactly two, both from my ten year old cousin, asking me to play Farmville. Rolling my eyes, I scrolled towards the exit. Even though I had moved to Detroit almost a year ago, I still hadn’t made any friends. In the beginning I didn’t give a shit. There were too many other things on my mind, like my parents recent divorce. That and…Andrew. After a while I finally realized that I had shut myself out for so long that I was way passed redemption.  I was officially the kid who sat alone everywhere and sulked.

That’s why I was so taken aback when I saw the little red one in my friend requests. I clicked on the profile, realizing that we had no mutual friends. The profile picture was just a box filled with pink. It rested beside the name “Marie”. Even though it was a kind of weird…Fuck it I thought. I clicked the accept button without thinking twice. I didn’t realize that when I was to look back on it “the biggest mistake of my life” would be the only words that would come to mind. Within minutes my chat box ringed and popped up.


What I thought would be a boring Saturday night turned nothing but. It was barely seven P.M. and I had absolutely no plans.  It didn’t matter that I was one of the most popular girls in school. Sure, I had perfect friends and family, I was still severely pissed off. None of those things mattered if all I was doing on a Saturday night was sprawling on a bed and staring at a ceiling. I was bored and I needed something to fix that.

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