My Waiter Boy [Teen Fic / Romance]

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I stuffed my old tattered notebooks into my locker and forced the stupid thing shut.  Thanking the universe for the fact that school was finally over, I started to make my way towards the school’s parking lot.

That’s when I caught sight of him, Jake Lackner.

The most perfect boy in the history of mankind. Alright, I was being dramatic and I was almost sure that there was someone more attractive in the planet, but I didn’t know him so that didn’t count. I couldn’t believe that a guy like him had started talking to me. Yet, it had happened.

Jake and I had gone to school together since we were in third grade, which was why it came as a shock when he finally took notice and started talking to me in the beginning of our senior year. I wanted to say, “Took you long enough.” Except, you should never look a gift horse in the mouth.

He was utter perfection. With his perfect chestnut hair, baby blue eyes, and strong jaw, no girl could resist him. I wanted to say I was completely unfazed by him, but who the hell was I kidding?

“Hey, Mabel.” Jake greeted with a small smile on his lips, right before he leaned in for a hug.

My heart started to malfunction and my arms practically shot out towards his body. I hadn’t remembered my long brown hair until I felt a sharp pain coming from my head and my body bouncing back towards the row of lockers behind me. Jake pulled away curiously, before he caught sight of my trapped locks.

I could practically feel my face going up into flames when we both noticed that I had left my hair inside of my locker.

“I think you might have-“ Jake commented, but I didn’t let him finish.

“Yeah, I should probably get that out!” I chuckled nervously and internally shuddered when I noticed the high pitch of my voice. My stupid voice always reached unnecessary levels when I was feeling nervous.

I grabbed hold of my hair with my fist and pulled. I regretted the action when we both heard the snap and pop of my hair as it came out into the open. I tried to play it off by turning happily, ignoring the fact that one of my eyes was watering uncontrollably from the pain.

“So, Mabel, I was wondering…” Jake spoke, after I had gotten myself together. I couldn’t stop my heart from beating at an alarming rate and my chest feeling like it might explode. The idea that Jake Lackner was about to ask me to the senior prom popped into my head like lightning. Never mind the fact that prom was in a week, my love haze was officially on.

“…if you could tutor me in pre-cal the weekend after prom?”

I felt my face drop into a soggy mess. Right before I answered, Natalie Summers skipped over with her perfect blonde hair and lipgloss smile.

“Hey, Babe, ready to go?” She asked, smiling up to him.

“Yeah, Mabel, this is Natalie, my girlfriend.” Jake introduced, leaning down to peck her on the lips. I swear it took all of my energy to nod my head and smile at the happy couple.

“Alright, I really appreciate it!” He smiled brightly, before pulling his girlfriend against him and walking away.

I was left standing alone and dejected as the students around me filed out. I finally noticed that my bus had left while I spoke to Jake.

  Curse my rotten luck.


The night of prom was anything but magical for me, or at least I thought.

Obviously Jake hadn’t asked me to prom, and instead of a pretty prom dress, I was left wearing my knee length black dress. It was the dress I usually wore when I went to work. Due to the fact that I was forever alone, I had decided to take an extra shift at the restaurant.

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