"We'll take the stairs," Brooke answered for the both of them. The two girls scurried down the stairs, saying goodnight to Allison's parents.

"Are you sure we can't give you a ride?" Lydia asked Brooke. She had driven Brooke to Allison's earlier since Bryan was in town and using the car.

Brooke shook her head. "No, it's okay. I could use the walk."

"Be careful, okay? I better not hear about you being the victim of the next animal attack," Lydia threatened.

"Okay, Lyds," Brooke laughed. The two girls hugged, and Brooke wished Allison good luck on her date. "Stay safe!" Once Lydia's yellow bug pulled out of the driveway, Brooke took off towards the Stilinski home.

Fifteen minutes later, Brooke was ringing the doorbell. Stiles opened the door, shock evident on his face when he saw it was Brooke waiting for him.

"Brooke? What are you doing?" Stiles asked. "Not that I don't want you here! It's just, I'm not sure why you are."

"Well, since I told Lydia we'd be studying, I figured I might as well be thorough with my lie," Brooke said. "Besides, I'd rather not spend a Friday night alone."

"Yeah, I totally get that," Stiles said as he let her in, even though he had spent the last five Friday nights alone.

Brooke walked into his house, taking in the interior. The walls were mostly bare and it was apparent only guys lived there. Stiles and Brooke stood awkwardly in the entryway of the house, looking everywhere but at each other.

"So, uh, what do you want to do?" Stiles asked. Brooke shrugged. "How about a movie?" Brooke nodded.

The two walked into the living room, and Brooke took a seat as Stiles messed with the TV.

"Is Star Wars okay?" Stiles asked.

"I guess, I've never seen it." Brooke said nonchalantly. Stiles turned to face her quickly.

"What? How have you never seen Star Wars?" He asked in disbelief.

"I don't know. It was never my thing, I guess."

Stiles quickly put a DVD into the player. "It is now. Trust me, you're gonna love it!" Stiles joined Brooke on the couch, but kept his distance as they sat on opposite ends.

Brooke tried to enjoy the movie, she really did. Stiles was so excited for her to watch it that she genuinely tried to pay attention. But alas, she thought it was really, really boring. To her, it was just a soap opera set in space.

Around an hour into the movie, Brooke felt herself yawn.

"I swear to God, Brooke. You did not just yawn during Star Wars."

Brooke laughed at the offended look on Stiles' face. "I'm sorry! I just don't get the hype around it."

Stiles gasped. "It's the greatest cinematic saga of all times!"

"Some could say the same for Twilight," Brooke smirked. Stiles whipped his entire body to face Brooke.

"You did NOT just compare Twilight to Star Wars!" Stiles shouted.

"So what if I did?"

"How can you even like those movies when you know how inaccurately they portray werewolves?"

"Oh, because Star Wars is so accurate."

Stiles through his arms up in frustration and threw his head back onto the couch cushions. "You're unbelievable."

"And you're exhausting," Brooke countered. Stiles sat up and looked at her.

"I'm exhausting? What does that even mean?" He asked, voice a little dejected.

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