There was some talking outside my window which sounded like it was down in the parking lot which was strange since it was 12:45. I creeped up to my window sill and lightly pulled one of my sheer curtains aside, I could tell by their uniforms that they were cops, two of them. My heart immediately sank, they were here for Ashton.

"From the security tapes we watched, you could tell they headed in the direction of this apartment" one said, security cameras? I never thought there were security cameras by where I found Ashton. Maybe it wasn't us "there was a girl with him, she must be the one that lives here. He never gave us any information about what room she was at" shivers shot through my body as the red, white and blue lights constantly flashed up onto the building.

They were definitely talking about us. One was an older man with fading blonde-gray hair with a built strong structure. He was tall unlike his partner he was shorter with brown hair that ended in a bald spot on the top of his head. "We could at least go and try to get a look" the tall one said looking up back up at the building making me duck down from my place of observation.

"We can't exactly just go bust in at 1am Dan" the shorter one fired back, they went through some more muffled conversations allowing me to lay down in my bed and at least try to close my eyes, at least they left for now. Did they? Their car was still outside. Curiosty and fear lead me to sneak downstairs and crouch down on the ground watching underneath my door.

After a few minutes of waiting I almost left when a pair of black leather boots appeared on the carpet, stopping in front of my door. My heart stopped and my throat clogged up as they stood there for a minute. "I guess we'll come back when we have more information and when its earlier" "sounds good" they spoke in whispered voices and relief washed over me as the two pairs of boots shuffled off down the hall.

We'll come back kept on haunting my thoughts as I stumbled up the staircase to my bed. My heart still thumped in my chest, the cops were out on our trail. There was only a matter of time before Ashton was dragged back over to his home or thrown behind bars and I could do nothing to stop it. I liked to comfort people and make them feel good but at the end of the day I couldn't stop someone from getting thrown into jail. I tried my best to sleep but still stayed alert for anymore surprise visits.


Ashton and I walked down to Lazy Café for a quick drink before we headed over to Luke's. He had texted us the address earlier which I would have to enjoy another joyful experience of Ashton navigating. "You okay today Ani? You seem a little... I don't" I smiled and tried to laugh a little at Ashton's question.

He knew nothing about the cops last night and its been nagging me in the back of my mind for the entire day. He was literally a knock away from getting thrown in jail or back wherever he came from and I found that utterly terrifying. "I'm fine just lack of sleep" he nodded at my part lie with his hands stuffed in his jeans pockets and his hair delicately blowing around in the humid breeze.

He held the door open for me which I met with a small smile as if to say thank you and we went up and ordered. I got my tea and he got an iced coffee and we sat down at one of the tables, where I sat for a few minutes fiddling with my french manicure. "What's your opinion on love?" I asked him after a minute which immediately put those gorgeous dimples back onto his face.

"My whole life people have told me that it doesn't exist but I believe that its out there you just have to search for it. Have you ever been in a relationship before?" "Ya his name was Taylor, I don't like to talk about it much" "thats cool I understand, so i'm super excited for this Fourth of July party, it sounds awesome!" "Sorry about not telling you" I took a sip of my tea and he laughed saying sarcastically "ya thanks Ani for the invite! I have something planned for us to do tomorrow" "oh you do?" He wiggled his eyebrows above the brim of his white mug as he took another big gulp of his drink.

"You're gonna love it, at least I hope" he nervously scratched his nose as I just smiled. He planned something for us to do, thats so cute. "I'm excited now...whats your last name?" He laughed at my question blowing a few bubbles in his drink from a straw he found "do you want my social security number and insurance too?" He got on my nerves sometimes "I just want to know so it can be like a nick name, plus maybe its shorter and quicker than Ashton" "oh so you don't like my name I see" I flung a napkin ball at his face which he dodged with a girly giggle. "Its a full two syllables" "okay its Irwin, whats yours?" Ashton Irwin, that had a ring to it. "Brooks, nice and simple" "shall we get going Brooks?" "We shall Irwin" we joked laughing as we left the café and went back to the apartment to get changed for Luke's.


I had on a cute lace sweater and floral skirt with my hair all nice and curled into little ringlets while Ashton and our new passenger Calum just wore regular clothes. "Ashton's a pretty sucky navigator so Cal you might have to help him" I twisted the key in the ignition as Ashton shot me a glare and Calum chuckled from the backseat.

"Alright, he texted you both the address right?" "Ya Ashton has it, thank god we're not going far" "shes winning this battle right now dude" Calum said from the back seat to Ashton who sat holding the directions. "I know I know, but i'll regain my win with my amazing navigating skills!" About 30 minutes later we arrived at Luke's house which he had informed that his parents were over visiting for a week. It was a normal victorian style two floor home with cute pink rose bushes lining the front. We all walked up the steps with Calum in front, me behind him and Ashton last since the sidewalk was only wide enough for a single file line. Calum rung the door bell and there was some muffled yelling before someone opened the door.

This man wasn't Luke, he was his dad I was guessing and my heart immediately sank. I wanted to just turn and run as fas away as I could. I wanted to take Ashton with me and go back home. My palms were sweaty and throat clogged as I froze completely. Tall structure, thinning blonde hair, same deep voice, he had to be. Luke's dad was one of the cops that was outside my apartment last night and I was not excited at all to meet him.


Oooh snaaaappp

Just felt like leaving you guys with that ending :) This was a fairly long chapter whooo!

Luke's birthday is tomorrow so happy 18th birthday little Lukey :*


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