"Ahhhhh!  No ash!" Joshua laughed squirming to get out from underneath me.

"Aggggg!! N-no st-stop please!" He burst into laughter as I started to tickle his weak spot, his stomach.

"Not until you say you're sorry for throwing the bear." I giggled as Josh continued to squirm and twist under me.

"Never!" He laughed and I pinned him down harder tickling his thighs.

"Fudge!!!" Josh laughed harder.

"OK OK!!!! Fine fine!" He giggled and squirmed.

"Fine what!?" I laughed and continued to tickle him.

"IM SORRY!" Joshua squeaked and I let him go causing him to fall off the couch breathing heavily from the tickling.

"Now you're sorry aren't you?" I chuckled as Josh started to catch his breath.

"No daddy you haven't spanked me yet." He joked and got up sitting next to me. I chuckled and grabbed the controller clicking the main menu to enter the game.

"I wanna play first this time." Joshua pouted trying to get the controller from my hands. I ended up under him as he tried to get it you of my hands.

"No Josh I wanna play." I laughed as he continued to reach for the controller.

"You always play first." Joshua pouted as he sat up on my lap from trying to get the controller. I groaned and handed it to him.

"Yay!" He squeaked then started the game, and continued to play while I was laying down and he was on my lap.

I started to poke his stomach while he was playing to annoy him but he payed no attention to me.

I got frustrated and gently pushed him off of me to lay down against the armrest and wrapped myself around his waist.

I saw a smile grow on his face even though someone sniped him in the game.

Laying my head on his chest, I watched him play the next game even though it was my turn.

"There's a guy behind you." I warned causing Josh to turn in the game and shoot the guy behind him.

"Tank u." Josh giggled and continued to build and go after the other players.

"U welcome." I giggled in my best baby voice and kept my head laying on Josh's chest. None of the players could kill Josh but he ended up dying from the storm.

"Awww man!" He exclaimed and gave me the controller as I sat up off of him and then I started to game. Pulling on my headset, I chatted with the players at the same time.

I focused on the game and felt Josh sit on my lap and his arms wrapped around my waist. I couldn't help but smile as I played the game and kept glancing down at him as he rested his head on my chest.

I suddenly glanced down at him and kissed his head causing him to look up at me in a confused manner.

Josh unwrapped his arms from around me and grabbed my face tilting my head down towards him.

I looked down into his brown eyes and suddenly felt his lips on mine. I dropped the controller I was holding on the floor and my hands met his waist.

I heard the people in my headset calling me and quickly pulled away from Josh's lips causing him to frown.

"Hold on guys." I said cooly and took off the headset, muting it, and setting it on the other side of the couch.

Josh looked up at me and smiled. I quickly pressed our lips back together and slowly layed him down on the couch climbing over him. We began to makeout and I could feel all the sparks. I felt so happy for some reason...


Asher's Mom P. O. V

When I arrived home I quickly got out of my car and grabbed my bag before unlocking the front door of my house and walking inside.

I looked around the house searching for my son and his friend, only to walk into the living room and find them cuddling together.

I made my way in from on them to see they were fast asleep. A smile grew on my face as I realized how cute they looked.

I gently grabbed one of the blankets that were on the couch and pulled it over them.

"Sweet dreams my son and future step son..." I whispered quietly and smiled as I made my way to my room.

OK um. I literally love this chapter it's so fluffy uggggggg they are literally adorable

Word count: 1223

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