Gandalf chuckled. "I am Sarumon." he answered Legolas in a calm tone. I instantly got very confused, because no, no he wasn't. Obviously. But he wasn't finished talking. "Or, Sarumon as he should have been." Oh. But I was still confused. How in Middle-Earth did he survive?

Aragorn got to my question before I could, though. " fell." He said in an astonished voice. Gandalf smiled a light smile. "Through fire and water, from the highest peak to the lowest dungeons, I fell. Until, finally, I threw down the Balrog of Margoth and smite his ash upon the mountainside. Than darkness took me, and I strayed out of time and thought. Stars wheeled overhead, and each day was as long as the life of Earth, but it wasn't the end. I felt life in me again. I've been sent back until my task is completed."

We all looked at him with wonder in our eyes, as he finished his epic story. I sighed, so relieved I hadn't lost one of the most important people of my life. "Gandalf!" I said happily. He turned to me confused, and my smile faltered slightly. "Gandalf?" He asked himself, as I he didn't recognize the name. "Ah yes! Gandalf! That was what they used to call me! Gandalf the Grey."

I got confused. What did he mean 'used to'? But he wasn't finished. "But I am Gandalf the White. I have come back to you at the turn of the tide." He motioned us to start walking with him out of the forest, and we did.
As we walked with him, Gandalf began to speak to us again.

"One stage of your journey is over." He told us. "And another one is about to begin. We must ride to Edoras." I wondered why Edoras, but Gimli interrupted my thoughts. "Edoras?" He questioned. "That is no short distance!" He was right, it would take a matter of days to get there. I wasn't sure if Frodo had that time. Or Merry and Pippin. "We heard of bad news in Rohan!" I spoke up. Aragorn nodded. "It goes ill with the king."

Gandalf seemed to take this in consideration. Than, he acted as if this was not new news. "Yes, it will not be easily cured." He murmured. Gimli seemed to still be confused. "But are we supposed to leave the Hobbits here?" He spoke with a gruff voice, almost as if he were angry. "In this dark, dank-" Around us, the trees moved and creaked, telling Gimli they were listening. I looked at the very surprised Dwarf. "I mean nice, very nice forest." He smartly finished.

Gandalf looked at him as well. "It was not a chance that our two Hobbits entered this forest." He explained. "A great power sleeps here. And Merry and Pippin's arrival will be like the falling of the small stones that creates an avalanche in the mountains." Aragorn smiled up at the Wizard. "There is one thing about you, my friend, that hasn't changed." Gandalf looked at him and raised his eyebrows. "You still speak in riddles." Aragorn finished.

I heard Legolas chuckle, and I smiled at Aragorn.

Gandalf stopped at a tree and smiled up at it. "Something is about to happen here that hasn't happened scince the Old Days." He spoke softly, but we still heard. "The Ents will awaken and find that they are strong as ever." He acted as if it was a good thing, so I didn't worry.

I grew up hearing rumors about Ents. They were trees, basically. But they were alive and a very powerful force to have on our side.

If they were on our side. Which was the problem.

I heard Gimli muttering about the Ents, but I ignored him, seeing Gandalf shooting him a glare.

We reached the end of the forest, and found ourselves in a very large meadow. There were colorful flowers scattered here and there. A gentle breeze played with my hair, as our horses walked up to us. I was about to ask Gandalf where his horse was, when he whistled a very high note, than a lower one.

I watched him, wondering what he was doing, when I heard a soft whinny. Looking around, I caught sight of the most beautiful horse I had ever seen. It was pure white, down to it's hooves. It trotted towards us, and up to Gandalf.

"Unless my eyes are cheated by some spell, that is one of Mearas." Legolas spoke from behind me. Gandalf reached out and stroked the horse. This is Shadowfax." He said, in a caring voice. "He is the horse lord, and has been my friend through many dangers."

Did I know there was a horse lord until now? No. Did I know how Gandalf had managed to befriend it? Also no.

Gandalf swung onto Shadowfax, and I took that as a sign that we were going to leave soon. I walked over to where Legolas was already on Arod. He offered me a hand, and I took it, hopping up behind him. Aragorn and Gimli were on Haseful. Shadowfax began to trot north, towards Rohan. Legolas steered Arod after him, and spurred him into a light canter.

Looking back, I saw Aragorn right begin us. He shot me a knowing smile and I scowled playfully back at him.

I wrapped my arms around Legolas and leaned my head on his back. I closed my eyes and thought about our journey so far. None of the Hobbits were with us, and that made me worry. After all, I wasn't completely sure that Merry and Pippin could fend for themselves out here. I told myself it would be alright.

I started thinking about my family back in Rivendell. What would happen when we get back? I doubted that my life would be the same after this whole experience.

Than a thought hit me.

Wouldn't Legolas have to go back to his home, in Mirkwood? Would I ever see him again after this journey?

But I couldn't worry about that now. We have a mission in front of us, that needed to be finished. And I couldn't let my feelings override that.

I let myself relax, and, before I realized it, I had fallen asleep to the comforting movement of Arod.


A/N: And as you can tell.....I am back. From my little vacay.

It was awesome, but very tiring. I got home today, like, really early and worked on this chapter.

Funny Story: During my vacation, since I didn't have wifi and couldn't update, I would think of what I would put in my book when I got back. I was just constantly zoning out in my spare time.

I want to give a shout out to: BambiTheLightCaster for voting for my story. Thank you so so much!!!!

I have no clue when I will be updating again so please be patient. You guys are good about that.



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