Chapter 7

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Rikkard's POV

Its good to be in London again, especially now that I'm with Pamela, she's gonna make my vacation amazing. I didn't actually come for anything important I just wanted to spend time with Pamela. "I'm kinda cold, is London usually cold?" She asked and I nodded before draping my jacket over her shoulder." Thanks, aren't you gonna get cold"?

"I'm used to it". I replied and we got out of the airport, just as we were about entering the limo a mob of paparazzi started following us.

"Are you the President's wife"?

"When did you get married to the president of the USA"?

" How did you two meet"?

"Is she your new wife"?

New wife? I never got married, we got into the limo and Pamela immediately looked at the window, she looked sad. Damn paparazzi. "Are you okay"? I asked and she nodded without looking at me, I sighed. "If this is about the paparazzi, they do this all the time, they just ask stupid questions just to piss you off, okay?"

She shifted uncomfortably on her seat and I used the opportunity to drop the topic and sleep, since I didn't get any on the plane.

Pamela's POV
New wife? I didn't know that Rikkard was married, he didn't mention anything about being married, hell, he didn't even wear a ring. I shook my head and followed the hotel attendant to my room in the very very very expensive hotel." Room 45, enjoy your stay". The brunette said before leaving, this hotel didn't work with keys or cards it worked with finger prints. I pressed my finger against a finger print detecting stuff and the door showed a green light before it opened, I rolled my box into the room and then walked in.

The room was decorated with peach walls,a huge four poster bed, a wooden bed side table, a vanity table, a walk in closet and a huge flat screen TV.

I arranged everything and went into the bathroom for a shower, I saw a very fair girl in the mirror, her hair was golden blonde, her blue eyes were shiny and lively.

OMG! That's me. Maybe being the secretary to the President has improved my looks, a month ago, I was skinny, pale and dull.

I have to say, I love my job.

"You called for me sir"? I asked Rikkard, I was in the middle of a good movie when Rikkard sent one of his bodyguards to call me, 'for something important'.

"Yeah, I need you to type in some things for me". He said while clicking something on his laptop, I sighed and walked over to his bedside table and picked up a stack of papers.

"Is this all"?


I rolled my eyes and walked to the door but he called me back." Pamela"?

"Yes sir?"

"You can type it here, I insist". I nodded and sat on the other side of the bed, Okayyy this is weird, I could have done it in my room but I agree with him. He's room is so cool.



My eyes were slowly closing(effects of jet lag) I didn't want to sleep because I couldn't sleep on the same bed with Rikkard, so I washed my face with water and continued typing, Rikkard fell asleep over an hour ago, the way he looked so peaceful when he was asleep made me want to sleep too, but I have to finish typing.

Ah! I'm sleeping.


Rikkard's POV

I reached for Pamela at the other side of bed but she wasn't there, my plan was for her to spend the night with me but I guess my stupid jet lag made me sleep earlier, I groaned and stood up from the bed and was about going into the bathroom when Pamela came out.

"Oh um sorry, I had to use the bathroom". She said with flushed cheeks.

"Did you sleep here"? I asked and she nodded slowly, something turned in my stomach, I don't know if I'm happy about that or not? Hell yes I am." Well err, okay so I'll just take a shower, could you make a cup of espresso for me"?

She raised an eyebrow, oops! Did I say espresso, I meant chicken sandwich. Wait what?" I thought you hated my espresso".

"This espresso is the worst"! 
  I suddenly remembered when I said that to Pamela two months ago at the coffee shop, but she doesn't know that I loved her espresso and the chicken sandwich I just needed an excuse to make her loose her job.

And I succeeded.

So, I behaved stupid." Huh"?

She rolled her eyes." Remember when you spat out the espresso and said that it was horrible, and now you want that same espresso, how ironic"?

She's angry. I made a wrong choice to talk about the espresso.

"I-I um you see, people and things change all the time, so maybe your espresso has changed". I said and smiled convincingly.
"Your impossible".

I chuckled under my breath and she went to the espresso maker to make one, I wonder how she makes her espresso so delicious.

~ ~ ~

Pamela's POV

I'm falling........

I'm falling for the President of America, but the problem is that he's way older than I am, he's forty six and I'm twenty eight, he looks young but he's old.

"Rikkard? May I ask you a question"? I asked while playing with the hem of my shirt.


I heaved a deep breath." How old are you"?

He stopped typing then looked at me and smiled." Thirty one, why"?

I was dumbstruck." But you said it yourself that you are forty eight, you told it to the whole world on CNN". 

He smiled." I only said that I was forty eight so people would vote for for me, honestly speaking I never wanted to be a President I wanted to live my teenage and adult years full of fun and not wearing suits and carrying briefcases".

I laughed." So what made you run for President"?

"My father was President of Spain, so he wanted me to become President too, but unfortunately we moved to America and he wanted me to become President of America". He explained.

"Your Spanish"? I asked bewildered.

"Sì". He paused." My full name is Rikkardo Eienstino Alessandro Duno". He said and smirked.

"Rikkardo, what now?"

This time, he laughed." Just stick with Rikkard okay"?

"Okay". I paused and then asked me the question that has been tormenting me since." Is your wife in Spain"?

He looked confused." Wife? I'm not married Pamela, I never got married I haven't found the right one yet".

My mouth dropped into an 'o' shape and then he continued." Maybe I'll get married when I find the perfect woman, someone that wont marry me for my title but for my character, someone that knows my real age and nationality, someone that I trust in just two months."

And then he kissed me.

On my lips.

A/N: please don't forget to follow,read and vote.


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