Wet Dreams

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I laid in a bed of white silk, the only thing covering my naked body was the edge of a sheet. My wrist were bound to the head board and my eyes covered with a mask, I felt a mans hand began to move up from my ankle, to my thigh, and stopping at my waist the mystery mans other hand grabbed my hair as he pulled my head to the side exposing my neck. The man ran his nose lightly from my shoulder to my ear then kissed back down. I gasped and pulled at my restraints. I felt his body sitting on top of mine and could tell he still had all his clothes on, the man moved the sheet off my body leaving me completely bare and helpless. He grabbed my breast and began to rub my nipples as he playfully kissed and bit at my neck. The man moved to remove my blindfold, when I opened my eyes I was in a grand room with huge open windows, laying in an overly large bed. My eyes fell on Dr. Lecter who now was off the bed starring at my sprawled out naked body. He sat on the bed and gently grabbed my cheek, he leaned in and began to kiss me. At first I resisted and then after a second or two I gave in. As he kissed me his hand moved in between my legs and he began to finger me, my eyes shot open and my body arched itself. He stopped kissing me and I let out a loud moan, my eyes closed and my head fell back.
I woke up to an intense orgasm, I sat up in my bed, my clothes still on me, and my hands free from their chains. It was nearly 5:00A.M and I decided to take a shower, as I washed my hair I thought about the dream, yesterday, and also how oddly hungry I was for this early in the morning. I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a big fluffy robe, I dried my hair and walked down stairs. We lived in a two story town house that was filled with overly priced furniture, old paintings, and weird decorative eggs my mother seemed to be obsessed with. I walked around the house, turning on and off the lights as I entered and left each room. I wandered until I walked into my fathers office. I missed him but at the same time liked playing house by myself. I picked up the little knickknacks my father kept on his desk and examined them. "Ma'am" I jumped and turned to face Lewis, he had two mugs of what looked like coffee in his hands and he walked to me. "Goodmorning Lewis, how did you sleep?" I took the mug from his hand and took a sip "very well ma'am, and yourself?" I laughed "weird dreams"
We walked outside and sat watching the sunrise, I finished my coffee and got up "I'm going to get ready, and I would like to see Dr. Lecter during his activity time today"
Lewis nodded "Yes ma'am"

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