Beautifully Fatal

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I woke up and began to get ready. As I finished putting soft curls in my hair and touching up my dark red lipstick I walked naked to my over the top walk in closet. I selected out a pair of dark panty hose, black Louboutin heels, and a curve hugging short black dress. Lewis walked in my room as I finished putting on the pearls my father gave my, "Ms. Lyla, it's raining outside. I have the car parked out front as well as an umbrella and your over coat ready for you."  I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder "Thank you Lewis, are you ready to go meet a mad man?" I asked playfully, he gave me a sweet smile "the better question would be are you ma'am. This will be your first time actually meeting one of the people you take interest in." I thought it over for a second. "I'm ready, Dr. Lecter is an intriguing person. Quite attractive as well, maybe he will try to make me his next meal." I laughed and began to walk to the car, as I was walking out the door a quick jolt of lighting followed by a large crash of thunder drowned out the rain. I looked to the sky from under our front porch, I've always loved the rain. The weather was ironically fitting for our little adventure. Lewis placed the umbrella over my head and walked me to our Model S Tesla, opening the back door for me, I climbed in. He shut the door and went to the driver side, I plugged in my phone and the song "This is War" by Thirty Seconds to Mars began to play. With that we were on our way to Hannibal.

Lewis made arrangements already for me to see Dr. Lecter at his cell as well as during the short period of time when he gets to walk. I made sure Lewis knew I wanted no interruptions, and he knows I can handle myself. If needed Lewis can be dismissed and leave Dr. Lecter and I alone. The storm did not seem like it was going to give any time soon, the thunder seemed to get louder with each crash and bang. As we pulled up to the hospital my heart began to race, this is it, this is when I get to meet him. The man that has been on my mind for weeks now. Lewis opened the car door for me and I stepped under the umbrella. We walked up the stairs and into the hospital, an armed guard stopped us at the first door, Lewis reached into his pocket and pulled out our family card. While money can't buy you happiness, having a card similar to Gatsby's that you can just wave and people will listen is pretty fun. The guard stepped aside and nodded to me, "ma'am" I smiled at him and walked through the first door and into a room with a few desk and four doors leading to different offices. Lewis placed our umbrella in a bucket with some others than took my coat. I watched as a nervous secretary shuffled into the office behind her, I assume to tell her we are here. A tall black man walked out of the office, he was dressed in all white and had a sweet smile. He walked over to me and put his hand out, before he got a word out I shook his hand and said "Good morning Mr. Barney Matthews, my name is Lyla Edge. I am under the impression you are Dr. Lecter s main care taker?" At the mention of Hannibal it felt like the room went cold and everyone started starring at me, a shocked expression took over his face but was quickly covered by a smile. He edged me towards his office "Yes ma'am I am, if you would like to come into my office we can talk more on the subject more in depth." I stopped him "actually Mr. Matthews, I would like to meet him now." The room got tense again as the other workers began to whisper in disbelief. "Is it wrong to point out that the people of this hospital seem to be extremely frightened of Dr. Lecter. I feel like their are many people in this place that are almost just as bad, why single him out as the most dangerous." I made sure everyone in the room heard me and they began to shift in their seats. I heard the voice of a female nurse behind me speak up "He tore out the eye of a nurse as well as at her tongue. We have good reason to think he is the worst of the worst" I looked at the nurse and nodded "I see, take me to him please" I said as I turned to Barney. He motioned me to the next large door.

It only took a few minutes to get to his cell, the rain beat down on the hospital roof and the thunder continued to get louder. Before we got to the cell I dismissed Lewis and Barney, despite Barney's attempts to convince me I shouldn't speak with Hannibal alone despite his attempts I knew I wanted to speak with him by myself. I adjusted my dress and straightened my pearls, i opened the last door and walked down the hall. His was the last cell on the left, the clicking of my heels echoed through the hall and it sounded almost louder than the thunder. I walked directly in front of his cell and stopped with one hand on my hip. In that moment I was face to face with Hannibal, he lifted his eyes to meet mine and I felt like as if all the confidence I came in here with was stripped away.

"they told me you were coming little lamb"

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