5 The Demon's Memories

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Cielia sat in the dark when the lab was shut down for the night, she was upset and starving. The camras were watching her as she waited for the morn' to come. She thought about Azazel and the song he played for only her, his song of their love.

She had made words for the melody but never had a chance to sing the them for him. Slowly she started to sing gently and softly.

"Come little children,
I'll thee away,
Into a land of enchantment.
Come little children the time's come to play,
Here in my garden of shadows."

Her voice grew louder as the pain and agony got wrose. She called our into the still, silent night hoping for someone anyone to hear her.

"Follow sweet children I'll show thee the way,
Through all the pain and the sorrows,
Weep not poor children for life is this way,
Murdering beauty and passions."

The silence was broken by a set of footsteps were heard by Cielia as she continued to sing. Her voice getting louder, begging for whoever was there to free her, to save her.

"Hush now dear children it must be this way,
To weary of life and deceptions.
Rest now my children for soon we'll away,
Into the calm and the quiet."

A door opened as the next verse came back to Cielia's mind.

"Come little children I'll take thee away,
Into a land of enchantment,
Come little children the time's come to play,
Here in my garden of shadows."

Sebastian was resting at home, trying to at least. He tossed and turned as something came to his mind; a memory.

He stood inside of the old church which was still standing maybe thousands of years before. Hearing a door open Sebastian turned and saw a young girl run inside with tears staining her cheeks and causing her eyes to burn. Her ash-blue hair was a mess and triangles from who-knows-what. Looking around the room she spotted a book and opened it. As she read the first words inside the candles went out and the room went dark.

When the candles were lit back up Sebastian saw a who resembled him was about an inch taller than himself. The man was smiling widly, showing off fangs instead of human teeth. Cielia looked scared as the man spoke, his voice was dark oily sound that sounded like he was chewing on rubber. Sebastian's feet moved on their own bringing him closer to the two so he could understand the words in between the two.

"You summoned me" the man said in a deep voice and Cielia's eyes widened.

"I didn't mean to" her voice went quiet and she started at the man with wide blue eyes.

"I know what they did. You want to feet revenge don't you?" The man suddenly said and something clicked inside Cielia.

"I don't wish harm upon anyone."

"But they murdered innocent people, your parents. They deserve to have the same fate" he said and then held his hand out, "Join me, Cielia. You can get your revenge"

"Who are you?"

"That doesn't matter. What is your decision?"

Sebastian watched as Cielia is said nothing while she place her smaller hand inside of the man's larger one. This got Sebastian's mind going in circles with questions but very few answers.

'So, Cielia's eyes were blue before? She wasn't a demon in the beginning? Is this man Azazel?'

Shacking his head, Sebastian desiced to see what was next for Cielia. Cielia had no time to react before she felt warm lips on her own. She moaned and kissed back, wrapping arms around their neck. Sebastian watched as the girl gave in to the demon and she started to trust him even though he could end her life at any moment.

Over the next few days she spent at the church following her now lover's orders. She found out that he were called Azazel. Cielia felt loved and like Azazel understood her.

She finished the large pentagram on the altar in chalk and proceeded to place candles at each point. Cielia had to make sure that the pentagram was big enough for her to lay in the middle of as Azazel instructed.

The man then came to stand next to Cielia and placed a dagger in her hand. Cielia knew what she needed to do with it and made a cut along her hand and let her blood drop onto the ground around the pentagram. She then handed the dagger back to Azazel and proceeded to lay in the middle of it.

"Omnes in armis malum accipe puella (All in arms take bad girl)" he chanted and the candles then lit up,

"Inmortalibus facerent fortis (Immortals do strong)"

"Animi cupiditates explere traderetur (Desires that might satisfy)"

"Quapropter suscipe benedictionem hanc pugione est clavis ad vitam novam (Now this is the key to a new dagger)"

"In arma mea excipio renasci (The weapon is an exception to grow)"

He finished and then he leant forward to press a kiss against Cielia's warm plush lips before he lifted up the dagger and then it was driven through Cielia's chest.

She let out a gasp and shook a little, her body was open for a demons soul and she was accepted as the offering. She felt something rush through her veins and reached her heart. Cielia let out a screech before falling still as the demon soul seeped through her.

Azazel watched as Cielia's eyes snapped open to reveal one blue and one red. He smiled and watched as she pulled the dagger out of her chest and she sat up.

"Factum est? (It is done?)" She asked, receiving a nod from Azazel.

"Receperint ad vitam novam (Welcome to a new)" She smiled and Cielia jumped into the arms of her lover.

Sebastian woke up with a start whipping his forehead free of sweat. His thoughts were jumbled So he got up and went to his office. He sat down at his desk and began to answer the questions he had written down.

'1. Can a demon be human beforehand?
So Cielia was human a long time ago, and fell in love with a demon named Azazel.
2. How does a human become a demon?
Only if the human is/was accepted as the offering.
3. Does a human's eyes change when they become a demon?
Yes, but it depends on the summoned demon.'

Sebastian's questions were answered but at the same time this raised more questions. He looked at the clock above his office door, it read 5:30 a.m.
Man, he would need some coffee now that he was up.

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