A Power Puff Girl

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Hello My little jewels!!! you Guys are seriously so flipping Awesome, thank you so much For being So supportive, Patient and Kind to me!! you guys rock!! Song is dedicated To the Power Puff Girl!!! oh and I'm so sorry for taking so long In all of my updates. . . stuff Has been Happening and I just . . . . . . opps Sorry You're here for the story. . . . hehehe my bad!!!


Thank you to Boyxboyismygame for being so patient With me while I wrote this Chappy!! I'm Soo sorry I'm so late!!

Emilia's journal entries

Imprisoned (part one)

Day #4

Dear Friendly Journal, 

I am literally Thanking the heavens that I have you!! I mean I have a small sketch book and some basic colored pencils to use but I've been using those to draw myself a map, sketch some people and write down song titles!!! So I couldn't really give the poor booklet another task. 

Why would I be writing down song titles/lyrics you ask?! Well I will tell you!! cause you are the only one who will think this is a brilliant idea, no a fantastic! amazing! genius------

Emilia Stops writing and face palms at her own thoughts and words before picking up where she left off. 

Anyways we both know I'm cool so I'll just cut to the chase. They don't have chargers in the world that I'm in (and yes it is still very weird to admit that I'm not on "MY" Earth. . . I still can't really *sigh* believe it. ) So before my poor Ipod completely dies, like my phone, I went through the playlist that I had and wrote them all down with the first line to each song. Yeah it was a pretty big task but I finished it up! I actually still have about 16% left on it. . . but we both know that won't last very long, so I'm trying to save it . . . . I just wanted to have a piece of home with me, other than my locket and emoji ebracelet. 

So seeing as this is my first entry I should probably tell you what has been happening recently! After Huu and I had our little talk we had a visit from a small Circus Troupe. Apparently the Fire Nation Circus travel around to the Fire Nation Colonies in the . . . . . Earth Lan. . . Earth Kingdom! Yeah, and in exchange for safe fast passage through the swamp they give the Swamp Clan materials and other supplies like food, tools, etc. From what I've been told the circus sends the big tent and animals with their handlers on a boat around the swamp borders, while the rest go through the swamp. All they had to pay was 100 gold pieces and 54 silver pieces for the boat trip  . . . . . . .Yeah I didn't get it either supposedly it's cheaper that way?! I mean just hearing the words gold and silver made me feel worried, but a dollar won't really do me any good here. Just one more thing on my list of "things to get used to" I guess.

Before I left, Milani and Reki pulled me aside and told me to not go around telling everyone that I was from a different world. Grabbing a spare change of clothes, a small bag of money and some snack foods they started to help me re-pack my backpack while talking at me about how to be careful . . . . Yeah I think they forgot who they were talking to too. While Reki finished up with my back pack (she snuck me a bag full of lemon-quats!!) Milani helped me with my new clothes; dark tan boot cut pants, a butter cream loose shirt with a dark green sash around my middle. She then helped to tie up my hair in a french-tail, like the beginning of a french braid on my head but then ending in the swish of a ponytail.

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