Seriously People!? PANTS!!!

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This song is so fun, Protector by City Wolf! So I had to Add it in somewhere! Anyways let get back to Emi and Let's see if she'll Find Aang and....make it home in Time.

"Emilia! Don't you run away from me!" A violent angry voice demanded. I kept running cause there is no way that I was letting him take me away again. I ran the solid ground made it easier to run but the over growth and bushes not so much. I needed to get away. I needed to find....

Wait who was I looking for again? It was someone important, a tall lady?

A hand gripped down on the back of my neck.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" My shrill cry echoed around the forest, Tipsy jumped straight up and ran away from the backpack he was playing with going to hide behind a large tree instead. I was sweating and could still free the grip on my neck. I couldn't move but I knew it would pass, I'd get night terrors like this a lot. I just haven't had one in weeks, or maybe months? I think I've been here for maybe two weeks? 

I sat up slowly rubbing my hands together to get the tingling to go away. Tipsy carefully walked towards me sniffing with his head low, just before he got to me he tripped over his own feet and landed on his face. I chuckled, "Are you okay Tispy?" He made a garbled cooing sound and sat up looking at me expectantly.

I tapped his head before standing up. I almost lost it on him! Our campground was a disaster! Everything that was in my backpack was now strewn on the ground. I jumped, 'The food supply!?' I jumped over everything and grabbed the bag and noticed it was empty!

"TIPSY!?" I turned to him holding the bag up he ducked down tail between his legs, "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE FOOD! I USED THE LAST ON MY SILVER ON THIS!" I stamped my foot at him. He squawked and tripped over himself several times to hide behind the tree again. I huffed, "The last thing I need right now is to take care of another thing!" Seriously the only thing that wasn't broken or dirty or missing was my guitar, thankfully. 

The hole in my drum basket was going to need a new top there was no fixing that. Thank heaven my water skin was still okay just a little dirty. My poor backpack was going to need some mending too, my journal had drool all over it soaking the first couple pages but the music pages were still mostly intact. I sat down hungry and angry. I started fixing the hole on my back pack glaring at Tipsy every time he moved. He finally got the hint after the third time and left, good.

After a good half hour I was able to pack everything up the best that I could and taking the two pieces of a map, I started to make my way back and towards the village. 


"This is so annoying." I said for the fifth time that morning. This was the third time that I've had to cross a river and I still hadn't found the freaking trail. I pretty sure I'm still heading the right way, Tipsy had done who knows what to my compass, but I climb up a tree and figured that I needed to head toward the black mountain patch. The stories at the port were that the village started having trouble after a fire nation attack so I'm assuming that is were the village is.

I made it across the river and was about to get out when I heard a splash off to the side. Startled I tripped and fell to my knees scuffing up my hands on the pebbles and sticks, soaking my second pair of clothes and drum, "Fudgesicles!" I stood up and saw the most adorable animal yet!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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