“You’re hurting me,” she bit out between clenched teeth. Ruby scowled at him in the hopes of hiding how fearful she really was. Whatever he was looking for on her face, he must have found, and was satisfied. He held onto her a breath longer than necessary, though gentler this time, and then released her. 

        Had she been disillusioned as a child? Weren’t demons supposed to be charming her out of her soul? This guy was a jerk! Ruby felt some relief in knowing that her soul was safely out of his reach. 

        “Circle Jerks?” Ruby asked, giving his shirt an incredulous look before leading the both of them into the house. She had curious neighbors and didn’t need any more drama in her life if a Good Samaritan neighbor decided to call her mom and tell her she had boys over in the absence of an adult chaperone. Anything could happen, and would happen if given the chance. Her mother had enough to worry about without her “slut” daughter traipsing around the front yard with a strange boy.

        “It’s a band. The last time I was here was in the 80’s,” he said with nonchalant tone and a very appropriate shrug. How teen, she thought. Was he absorbing the behavior of her generation or did he remember the behavior of the 1980’s? For the first time since his arrival, she did not feel fear or animosity toward him, but instead, an intense curiosity. He was like a foreign exchange student with a culture Ruby was beginning to obsess about.

        They sat, both girl and demon, at the kitchen table. Ruby made herself a snack, munching on sliced apples and crunchy peanut butter. The demon did not partake in human food but he did watch her eat, distracted by her knife spreading the reluctant peanut butter over the cleanly sliced apple wedges. 

        “Do you know what I am, Ruby?” asked the demon as he leaned back in his chair. She sat across from him, apprehensive. She assumed he was a demon. He’d alluded to that on their first encounter. When she made no move to answer, he continued in a quiet sensual rumble. “I’m immortal.” 

        It wasn’t exactly what she thought he’d say. She folded her hands primly on her lap and straightened her spine. Her eyes never left his and she forced herself to stay cool even though his gaze was making her hot and irritable. She knew he was trying to cultivate this simmering feeling under her skin, make her act against her better judgment. Ruby knew he was here for a reason; the promise of Hell in his eyes was enough proof that she should not lower her guard around him. 

        “And?” She asked chillingly to disguise her prurient interests. 

        “It means I’ve been around a long time, and I’ll be around longer sti-“ 

        “I know what it means,” she interrupted impatiently. Ruby caught a flash of annoyance in his eyes and felt the delicate taste of victory taint the apples she nibbled. A hint of a smirk tugged at the corners of her plump lips. 

        “I’ve been summoned by all types of people, for many different reasons, Ruby, and I’ve always come out on top. So why don’t you let me help you while you have me,” he continued calmly and ignored her rudeness quite effectively.

        “No, thank you. It was a mistake to summon you. I must have been sleepwalking or something. I’ll find a way to send you back,” she said and waved her hand dismissively. She stood then on weak knees that she forced to remain strong, and took her plate to the sink. Was it so simple? Could she really negotiate her why out of hosting this demon? 

        She didn’t hear him rise but she could feel him behind her even before he touched her. Ruby pretended not to be scared but she was certain that he could hear her heart thunder under her ribcage. Was he like an animal that could smell fear? She certainly reeked of it. 

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