Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

        There was some hesitation for her as she stood in front of the public library doors. The entryway was a deep mahogany and was beautiful and solid. The brick structure was humble and warm, coming together into spires with delicate looking accents wrought in strong iron at their peaks. At one point in its history, this library had been a chapel and when it no longer had a congregation to worship at its altars; it was renovated into this proud lovely homage to books.

        Ruby worshipped here now along with a cluster of amateur historians who visit the libraries archives for records of their lineage. Young grammar school students stop by for homework help from helpful adults. On the weekends, there was a quilting group that comprised of gentle old women who often lament over missing their grandchildren. This library was a place for good.

         If Dillon were to attack her again, Ruby promised herself that she would scream bloody murder. She would not let him sully this sacred place like she’d allowed him to ruin her love of swimming.

        Ruby pulled open the doors and marched purposefully until she found the modest occult section. There were twenty spell books in all and she pulled out book after book and stationed herself at a table that was mostly full of college age students studying and chatting about legal exams. She didn’t think she should be alone, nor did she want to but she knew that it wouldn’t make a difference. That demon could freeze time and Dillon was always lurking around some corner or other, waiting.

        Her hands trembled as she flipped though those pages. Many of the spell books were useless, just stories. She didn’t have the time to sit through thirty short stories about witches. She wasn’t a witch. She’d certainly summoned a demon but Ruby was adamant that she did not belong to this world of the occult. She was a normal girl and she wanted normal things. Good grades, friends, boyfriends, clear skin, and surviving high school were on her list of normal desires. 

        Ruby did manage to write down a few tidbits that seemed of value. There was a list of items of protection, multiple types of glamour spells, and a silly little spell to help her focus on her studies. Nothing else seemed to be helpful. There was, however, a shadowtale book that read like fairytales with very pretty illustration. Ruby decided to check out that book as it neared closing time, just too look through the pictures. 

        She walked home with reluctance, knowing he’d be there, this demon. Perhaps he was following her now. The thought of her mother being there alone with that despicable creature did eventually spur her on but the sight of an empty drive way turned each step to molasses. Instead of going straight into the house, Ruby wandered into her front yard. She pretended to peruse the flowers along the front of the house and turned the corner to see the dying rose bushes. Truthfully, Ruby wanted to see the dark spot in the ground. It was still there; still wet right below the shadow of a decrepit rose stem.

        Knowing that the wet spot was there was a relief. In all of the books she read that held real information about demon oriented spells, each and every one clearly stated that as long as the ground was wet, and the spell was fresh, it could be easier to alter, rules could be redefined. Ruby breathed a sigh of relief and straightened up, turning around and colliding right into the demon. 

        “Your roses aren’t doing very well, Ruby,” said the demon, dressed in fashionably torn jeans and a black band shirt with the words Circle Jerks printed in deep red. He held her by the shoulders to steady her but did not release her. When he leaned in close, Ruby thought he would kiss her again but instead, he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her. “Why are you avoiding me?” he asked finally as he gripped her. She was under the impression that he did not know his own strength, or didn’t remember it.

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