Chapter Twenty-One

Comincia dall'inizio

No. I looked at Nox who appeared to be on the verge of a breakdown. No no no!

"No." The word was barely a gasp and I let my hand fall to my side, not wanting to feel the stillness in my chest, but now that I was aware of it I couldn't help but hear nothing.

I then noticed a cracked mirror hanging on the wall behind Nox and with numb silent steps I went over, the fear of what I'd be seeing prickled against my skin, but I had to. I had to see for myself.

Placing myself in front of the mirror I braced myself before staring at the reflection of myself. My clothes were as torn as ever with caked blood mixed in with all the dirt and dust I'd collected over my time here in the city. I noticed the absence of scars I'd collected through my years of being brought up in a fearful world like this one.

My eyes raked across the body of the person in the mirror until they ended up on the face; smooth skin, not the bruised one I'd come to know, stretched across my face, the slits in my lips gone along with the scratches and scars. I parted my lips, but to my small comfort my teeth looked like they had before. Finally I focused on my eyes, which had been the ones I'd dreaded the most. They were the final factor that would change everything.

My initial instinct was to look away, but I couldn't. To say I was shocked came as no surprise as I walked closer to the mirror, staring in wonder at the icy blue eyes that domineered the face of my reflection.

I reached out to touch the mirror, speechless, when I caught Nox's stare in the glass.

"I don't understand," I said, turning my attention back to the sapphire colored orbs.

"I think it has to do with your powers," Nox replied, but gained no response, as I was too busy admiring myself. I'd expected those scary crimson eyes that had haunted my life and dreams for eighteen years, but this, this I hadn't expected at all. Of course I hadn't expected this whole situation and really, I'd rather be dead than this, but I didn't get to choose. But then who did?

"Who?" The one-worded question was enough for Nox to understand.

"I did," his voice croaked and I finally turned to regard him. Seeing him look so utterly miserable told me how hard it must have been for him, deciding whether or not to let me die or damn me for an eternity on Earth.

As the initial shock of the situation wore over, I realised something was missing, or rather a specific someone.

"Where's Sam? I need to see him." Desperation had already etched itself into my voice and I couldn't wait to see him. I wondered if he'd been to see me while I was out, and if he'd be as shocked as I was when he saw the oddity of my eyes.

At the mention of his progeny's name Nox's expression turned darker.

"What is the last thing you remember, Emily?"

What this had to do with Sam's whereabouts, I knew not.

"Shax throwing an energy ball at me and then a loud blast." Suddenly, with Nox dodging my question, an unwelcome thought entered my mind. No, I thought and pushed it away. I wanted to hear what Nox had to say before jumping to any conclusions.

Nox twisted his hands together, looking anywhere but at me.

"When Shax threw that energy ball one of two things were bound to happen." He paused shortly, still not looking at me. "The first being all of us getting blasted to pieces..." Another pause.

"And the second?" I asked impatiently.

"Second was for something to block the initial blow of the attack."

Eternal Darkness - Book One ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora