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Met you in a game

Should've known I was just one too

I thought real life - game = exactly the same

Could not have been more wrong

"Wanna be my boyfriend?"

- What.. a what friend now?

" A B O Y F R I E N D" *kapow*

- Oh okay. Sure, let's try

*pours virtual wine*

"Send me a pic"

- okay, wait a sec

"Wow you're so gorgeous"

- and you're so voluptuous

*disappears for months*

"I'm so sorry, I was detained like a moth"

- Oh.. doesn't matter that I got hurt

I'd rather let myself be treated like dirt

"You're someone I should keep forever"

- Oh yeah, why's that, why not "never"?

"Because you create inside me a fever"

A disease of love, triggered by a lever

*disappears for three more months*

"My parents know.. we have to stop.."

- Why? I thought we were through this drop?

*disappears for two more months*

"I want you back, I love you"

- I love you too.. but isn't it too much?

*leaves forever and brother replaces her*

"Hello, who is this? My sister is in a coma."


"She can't feel your presence or aroma"

- What caused this "wrap"?

"A car accident"

- You are kidding me...

*three months, many tears, poems and love poems later*


"She is dead.. leave me alone, you cow"

*starts stalking the brother and finds out the girl was the brother all along*

- How the hell could I not RESIST? ...

The person I loved, didn't even exist

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