9. What Friends Are For

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My body stiffened the moment I awoke, only to relaxed once I realized it was Orlando's arms that were wrapped around my back.

My cheek were pressed against his chest and in a very uncomfortable position. The smell of his signature men soap filled my nostrils and was surprised when I found it calming.

I slowly lifted his arm away from me, and tried to get out of his embrace. Just when I thought I was gonna be free, his other arm came back snaking around my upper shoulder. 


Why did he stay with me anyway? Didn't he have an appointment with a client earlier? 

And boy, he held me like this for hours in such an uncomfortable position. How did he manage to sleep and snore so soundly?

"Orlando?" I nudged him softly.

Orlando stopped snoring and hummed, his eyes opened in slits. He smiled sleepily at me and let me go, rubbing his eyes awake.

"You okay, luv?" he asked as he straightened himself.

"Not really. My boyfriend for four years turns out to be a cruel, heartless stranger that I never even knew possible," I admitted.

His words and accusations towards me was playing on my mind. Disappointment and a feeling of loss filled me again, leaving a hole in my chest. 

Where was the sweet, gentle Joel that I knew?

"Hey," Orlando tilted his head down to look at my face intently and gave me a small, sympathetic smile.

I sighed and returned his smile.

"You missed your appointment because of me. I'm sorry, monkey," I apologized, feeling embarrassed for breaking down in front of him earlier.

"Don't be sorry. Isn't that what friends would do?" he said with a smile.

My heart filled with warmth as I looked into his kind, dark brown eyes that wrinkled slightly on the edges with his sincere smile. I felt tears started to well in my eyes again and I moved forward to embrace him, burying my cheek into his shoulder.

"Thankyou, Orlando."

"Anything for you, luv," he answered softly and I felt him smiling still when he rubbed my back comfortingly.

He pulled away to look at me and his smile faltered.

"Oh shit, luv..." he cursed softly. "Please don't cry again. You know I hate it when the ladies cry," he whined.

I let out a laugh as I wiped the tears from my already puffy eyes.

What a softie.

Orlando kissed my temple before getting up and offering his hand to help me up from the floor.

The moment I put my hand on Orlando's, CJ barged in from my door, his eyes wide for a moment as he glanced back and forth between Orlando and me.

"Oh my gosh, my bunny Lynn! Look what that son of a bitch did to you!" he exclaimed with worry written all over his face.

I got up and embraced CJ tightly.

"I came as soon as possible when Lee told me when I got back to set that he heard Joel came and made some scene. Are you alright?" he asked, putting his hands on the side of my face.

I nodded and smiled. 

Jeez. Word traveled fast here. I fought the urge to cringe when embarrassment passed me at the thought that the whole set knew about Joel's visit.

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