The feast

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We entered the restaurant and sat at a table. 

The restaurant looked old fashioned and smelled like a funeral and had dim lighting. A man in a white shirt came up to us and handed us the menu. "Festa Del Diavolo" written on the top of the menu, Festa ment feast but the rest of the words i didnt understand thought i had got A's  in French when i was in high school."Caprese salad with pesto sauce please" Maya ordered. I ordered a Mushroom risotto and Chris ordered a simple Margherita pizza. 

The man took our order and left. " I hope their food is good" Chris commented. Maya was judging the decor of the restaurant with her eyes moving right to left. The man arrived with a pink champagne on ice and poured it into our glasses. "Fancy" Maya exclaimed. We were halfway through finishing our champagne when our food arrived. The waiter served us and poured more champagne into our glasses and walked away. " i havent seen any other guests in the hotel, have you?", "No" i replied to Maya. The food was delicious and we enjoy it a lot. I asked the waiter to get the bill. 

After a minute he returned with the bill and toothpicks. He handed me the bill and a letter which stated

 " Hotel Infierno welcomes you to the 5th Annual Night Ball."

venue- hotel infierno

date- today 


"Sweettt" Chris whispered softly.

"A freaking ball uughh! I am way too tired for that now".

"C'mon we have to enjoy this trip Maya, you can just tag along for awhile" i asked.

Then we made a deal that if i pay for the meal than Maya has to join us.... so i paid.

"Jesus! Wh--at will we wear for the ball?"Chris stammered.

 "We will wear our old jeans and shirt" I exclaimed and slapped Chris's back.

Wait till you hear it.......

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