Hotel Infierno

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"I am really exhausted, can we stop at a hotel tonight? we can continue the trip tomorrow." I was tired too but i insisted Maya to drive to the nearby town where we can find a nice hotel to check in. "Well fine". She sighed. It has been 6 hours of driving and us, we are bone-tired. Maya, Chris and i planned to go on a road trip to Las Vegas;we are a team of paranormal activists and we were called upon to investigate an old mental asylum in Vegas. We drove because it was Chris's idea that we should have a fun little trip but it turned horrible as our car broke several times on the road however we managed to cover half of our trip.

 "I googled a hotel that is quite nearby". "What's the place called?" asked Maya. " ummm Hotel Infierno.... we can try out this place"i said, cause we needed to stop somewhere at least.

"Is that the hotel?" said Chris pointing at the glowing pink sign that read,"Hotel Infierno Welcome anytime". 

I looked at Maya who already was driving through the hotel's entrance and asked, " So we will check in and stay here tonight". She nodded. She parked the car and we climbed out and started to grab our luggage. " Do you wanna take the Cheese-itz with you?" asked Chris with a giggling face. I snatched the Cheese-itz from his hand and started to walk towards the hotel's door with my luggage in my hand. Maya and Chris followed after me. "This hotel seems kinda old" said Maya after struggling to get a spider web off of her hair. We got to the front desk where a lady was sitting behind a computer screen. " Welcome to Infierno, How may i help you?" the lady asked as she stared dead into my eyes; i startled a little and asked if there were any rooms available. 

"Room 666 is the only room available and we can arrange another extra twin bed in the room for two people". I looked at Chris and Maya who already had a confirming look on their face."Ok we will check in and we will need a twin bed".

She got up from her seat, grabbed a key from the drawer and led us into a elevator. The elevator was playing an eerie music that stuck in my head. The elevator doors opened and everything in sight was pitch black and dead silent. "They have been working on the electricity connections guess the electricity problem has not been solved yet" the lady told in a soft little voice. She reached for her pocket and took out a small candle and light it with a match stick. We were confused and terrified so three of us clenched each other's hands. We heard the speaker of the hallway singing, "Welcome to the hotel Infierno".

 The lady stopped and her finger pointed towards a room at the end of the hallway, " Room 666 here is your key and i will arrange a twin bed for you and call the reception if you need anything". She left and disappeared  into the darkness. We stood in front of the room for a minute and we did'nt speak a word.

I unlocked the door and shoved my luggage into the room. Maya switched on the light which was very dim and dull. We sat on the bed and exchanged looks. "I cant sleep here" said Chris and i swear i have'nt seen Chris so stressed. " I also don't feel right and this place is giving me negative vibes" Maya added. "Guys maybe the lady is kinda weird and this place is weird too but we only have to spend a night here its no big deal!" I reassured them. "Well now I will go to the bathroom and freshen up", Chris took a towel from his back pack and went into the bathroom. "I will call the room service and order some food, what will you eat?", "Pizza will do" i replied.

" Pizza sounds great!" Chris shouted from the bathroom. "Beep....Beep....Beep.......". "The room service guys are not picking up the phone i think we have to enquire at the front desk about the food". 

I grabbed my phone and asked Maya and Chris to stay in the room while i would go to the reception to enquire."Hah can you go alone?" Maya questioned me with a raised eyebrow. "Oh of course i can". I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. The hallway was dark still the speakers were playing the awful "welcome to the hotel infierno" song. I pressed the ground floor button on the elevator and waited. I reached the ground floor and i walked out and towards the reception.

 "Excuse me?". "How can i help you?", same dress and accent but a different lady was sitting there. "Ummm is the room service line not working? cause we tried to order some food". Suddenly he face looked very concerned as she answered" we don't have any room service". "So where can we eat? cause you know we are very hungry", "oh we have a restaurant here open 24 hrs". I gave her a smile and went up to our room. I dint mention to Maya and Chris that how the other lady who welcomed us earlier has disappeared and another lady has suddenly appeared in her place who is wearing the same dress and talks in the same accent as the other lady. I told them about the restaurant and asked them to get ready to eat downstairs.

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