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"Let's head to our room first and take our ghost hunting stuff and test it out there" Chris retorted. Maya and I nodded in favour. We reached our room and grabbed our stuff then we locked the room and started to walk in the corridor of the hotel. "Remember in one of our ghost hunting trips Maya screamed out of her lungs just because a cockroach crawled across her foot hhhhaaaa!" Chris said in laughter. "humph.... not funny Chris" said annoyed Maya.

The hallway was dark and dusty, cobwebs were hanging from the roof. "Are these cobwebs decorated for halloween?".

A cold hand was felt on my shoulder and a chill went through my spine. I stopped and slowly turned my head, the hallway went silent and all i could imagine was a man with no face and a bloody neck BUT NO! An old man with a torch in his hand stood there gazing into my eyes. 

"What do you think you all are doing here?" The old man said with a cranky voice.

"Ummm we were jusst exploring the place" I said.

"Are you out of your mind?" He exclaimed.

"Hey!.... we just wanted to check out this place" 

"He will not like this" The old man said.  "He?" Chris asked.

"NOW go back to your hotel room!" He bawled.

Chris had a downhearted face and we were forced to return to our room. Who was the man talking about....something was really fishy about this place. 

"Dang man that ol' guy right there blew the fun away" Chris said with disappointment. 

"Instead of fun can we now worry about the "man" who literally don't anyone to roam the corridors at night ?"

"Maybe its not safe to roam around because the electricity may be cut off anytime".I genuinely answered.

*Tick tock* *tick tock* *cuko cuko* the old wall clock in our room struck twelve.

The lights of our room started to flicker for a minute and the flickering stopped.

" Just go to sleep now its midnight" Maya pronounced,she was already tucked in bed and was checking on her phone.

Chris changed into his pajamas and I wore a loose t-shirt on which it read " Sleep less ", well that is what I was feeling . I started to recall the strange paranormal incidents that took place today and I could'nt put the pieces together. 

Everybody went to sleep except me cause I started  to feel odd in this hotel. A dim light was lit outside in the corridor and I constantly saw someone walking outside but no noise was heard. 

I finally fell asleep and I had nightmares all night.


Room Number 666.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora