So This Is Just A Thing That's Happening Now I Guess

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"Damn, 13-year-old Jeremy would be ecstatic right now," He giggled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. I realize that his smile looked a bit watery. My eyes snap up, and I can see him tearing up.

"I love you so much, oh my god."

Now Jeremy's crying, and I soon realize that I'm crying too, and it's a mess. We're a mess. "So, uh, uhm... we, uh... we d-dating now or what?" He stumbles out.

"Yeah, I think so?" I say unsurely, my eyes darting up and down at Jeremy's facial expression, "I don't know! The romcoms my mom watched when I was eight didn't prepare me for post-kiss conversations."

"Let's make it a pre-kiss conversation then," Jeremy suggests, smiling before pressing his lips to mine again, trying to deepen it as much as possible. I could literally feel my brain turn to mush. I feel so much lighter. It's like my bones were hollow and my organs were made out of air. I felt like if I had let go of Jeremy's waist I'd float off.

  Jeremy pulls away abruptly, "Your glasses are stabbing me in the face," he laughs, rubbing the bridge of his nose where my glasses supposedly impaled him.


  Jeremy giggles and looks me up and down. He runs a hand through my hair, "Ooo... pretty."






  "You're pretty!" Jeremy insists.

  "You're prettier."

  Jeremy opens his mouth to retort, but just ends up breaking off into the same soft giggles that made me fall in love with him in the first place.

  "I... holy... holy shit, dude," I run a hand through my hair shakily, "I'm... we're dating? You're... you're my boyfriend?"


  "This is going to... take a while... to process..." I hesitate, "So I can like, call you cute and stuff? With zero consequences?"

  "The only consequences are that I'll kiss you and call you cute back, dumbass."

   I can literally feel the weight of my body and my organs press into the bed underneath me, and my mind seems to lag behind, "You have your legs around my waist."


  "You are sitting in my lap right now."

"Yes, I am aware."

"Oh my god... we're... we're dating..."

Jeremy can't help but laugh again, "Oh my god! Look at you! You're so dumb! My stupid dumb boyfriend! I love you!"

"Hey, you can't be cheesy!"

"Says the guy who still can't believe he's dating some random twink he met in fourth grade."

"Damn... we're really dating, huh?" I scratch the back of my neck in disbelief.

"I have said so several times."


  We stare at each other in the eyes for a moment. Jeremy wraps his arms around my neck before he starts giggling, "You got..." He takes one of his hands and pokes my cheek, "You have dimples! Look at you!"

"Sure do," I laugh jokingly, and my grip around his waist instinctively tightens, because holy shit look at this loser I have to protect him.

"Man, I wish I had cool little holes in my cheeks. They're adorable."

"Man, I wish I had little dumb dots on my face. They're adorable," I joke, rubbing a thumb over his freckles.


  "I love you," I blurt out instinctively, "Sorry, that was kind of out of the blue, but I just really, really love you and—"

  "Hey, I love you too, ahavah," he smiles at me earnestly and I feel my heart scream.

  "I—Wait. Ah... Aha... Ahav..."

  "Don't try to say it, you're going to butcher it," he giggles again and every time he laughs still feels like the first time I heard it, back in fourth grade when it made my heart kind of hurt, and I couldn't place exactly why, "Ahavah means love in Hebrew."

  "You just called me... love... in Hebrew... your native language... that is... very cute..."

  "I'm getting the idea you're having trouble formulating sentences," he jokes.

  "I... I dunno... I'm usually so comfortable with people... but holy shit... you make my heart go all badoing badoing and stuff..."

  "I'm usually so nervous around people, but I just feel so comfortable around you for some reason. We've exchanged powers," he humours me, and literally everything he says makes my stomach tie into knots.

  "You've leeched off of my social skills, of which I had very little in the first place, so good luck with that," I roll my eyes.

  "You haven't kissed me in a while."

  "You want me to?"


  And so I did.

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