Our story begins

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A hushed silence fell as Kaneki, and All Might entered the classroom. He had finally gotten himself a job as a teacher in UA High School's 1-A hero class.

- Moments ago -

The One-Eyed king had always wanted to try his hand at teaching, but he would never be allowed in any normal school after all that had happened to him and his people, so UA High it had to be. The pro heroes all seemed wary of him. Nezu, the principle being the exception.

"I understand your wariness of our newest addition, but I promise you. He is completely quirkless." the principle had said. Even though it had been said, Kaneki could still smell the tension in the air that was directed at him as he stood patiently at the head of the giant circle that was the staffroom table. "So. Who will show Mr Kaneki to his classroom? All Might. How about you?"

- Present time -

"Students." All Might started. "I am here to introduce your new language teacher, Mr Ken Kaneki."

- Kaneki -

"Thank you, All Might." I started, looking straight ahead at the students as All Might left. I inhaled deeply with my eyes closed, opening them as I exhaled. For sure this class was full of some interesting scents.

Turning to the blackboard, writing my own name in large font, my ear twitched with the slight screech of chair legs scraping the floor. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't guarded. I let my hand fall to my side, halting my writing as I decided to stay facing the board as a scrunched up piece of note paper was thrown at my head as a voice spoke. "So what's up? You a new pro or something?"

"Good question, Explosion boy." I said as I turned around, fake smiling. "I am neither villian nor hero. I am simply a language teacher." I continued, slowly activating the kakugan in my left eye, as I stared at the exposive teen. "I do hope we can get along from now on with no future interuptions." I finished, seeing all students staring in a stunned silence.

I turned back to the blackboard and finished writing my name for the class. "The first thing you are wondering would most likely be: 'What is the teacher's quirk?' am I correct?" I asked, deactivating my kakugan as I turned back to face the class, recieving hesitent nods.

- Bakugo -

"I am quirkless."

I slumped down. Hmph. Just like that shitty Deku, then. Speaking of Deku, he's probably gawking with that stupid excited look that he always gets when he starts fanboying. I have no idea if this Mr Kaneki was quirkless or not, but either way, it felt as if he were hiding something. Come to think of it, All Might didn't seem his usual over-the-top self when they entered the classroom, and what was up with the teacher's eye? Whatever the hell it was, it sure looked like a quirk to me.

- Midoriya -

"I am quirkless."

I stared at the teacher, listening attentively once he announced it. I had so many new questions that I was forbidden to ask while in front of anyone other than All Might. I had to wait until I could get Mr Kaneki alone. Time seemed to slow down, as if it knew that I was waiting.


Finally, as if in slow motion, the clock came to signal that the class had come to an end. As Mr Kaneki was erasing the day's lesson off the board, I continued sitting at my desk, deep in thought.

"Deku. you in there? we need to get to the track. The teachers will be meeting us out there." Uraraka's voice floated into my senses, causing me to jolt slightly. "Uh... what? yeah, I'm coming." I answer, looking up to meet her playful gaze as I heard Mr Kaneki chuckle quietly.

As Uraraka left the room ahead of me, I approached Mr Kaneki, who was now packing his briefcase under the desk. "You had best hurry or you'll be late, Midoriya." he said, not looking at me as I stood by his desk. "Y-you're not coming?" I asked hesitantly, a sad smile forming on the young teacher's face as he came to look at me.

"I have a feeling that you need to talk to me. therefore, we will go together." Mr Kaneki started as he straightened up.

"You are quirkless, are you not, Midoriya?" he continued, as we walked together. "If so, then you will know that those whom have accepted you as such will not believe that you are worthy to be the hero you always wanted to be."

- Kaneki -

As I was walking down the hallway with Izuku, I noticed that he had stopped walking. What I said must have hit home, because the next time I heard his voice, it was tinged with a sad curiosity. "Are you really quirkless, Sensei? Kacchan doesn't think so, and neither does anyone else, but I like to think that what you say is the truth." I wasn't surprised that everyone was in doubt. After all, I did show my Kakugan. "I'll put it this way, Midoriya. Aizawa's quirk will not work on me. If Katsuki is as explosive as I've heard, then we should let him find out by experiencing. I will not hurt him in any way, shape, or form."


"Experiencing, huh." the bombhead smirked when I had finished telling him, in front of the whole class, that he would get a free shot at me. "I'm going to make you regret letting me fight you with my quirk right off the bat, teach." he continued as he let off a flurry of small explosions in his hand, which was clearly meant as an intimidation. I looked over at the rest of the class, smiling slightly at their questioning looks, which quite soon turned to worry as a fist connected with the side of my chin, dislocating it, and sending me to the ground.

"That's one hell of a fist you have there, Katsuki." I started as I got back on my feet. "Unfortunately it's not enough" I continued as I gripped my jaw, forcefully putting it back in it's rightful place and recieving a classful of cringy stares. "I know that you, more than any other, doubt my quirklessness, Katsuki, so..." I started as I turned to face him. "I will ask Mr Aizawa to use his quirk on me. That should satisfy you." To this statement I recieved a classful of gasps.

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long, but the first chapter is finally up *throws cofetti.*

The story itself is going at a snail's pace 😅

One of my irl friends has wanted to read this since I first announced it to her, so of course I had to let her share her opinion on it before I put it up.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as she did. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

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