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Shelby's POV

I walked around the fairgrounds, alone. Raven was with Beast Boy and Cyborg and Starfire was with Robin in the Ferris Wheel watching the fireworks. I really liked living with the Titans being part of the team was a lot of fun, and better than working for Slade.

I had nightmares last night, again. I know what Slade told me was true and that I was destined to destroy the galaxy, but I didn't exactly believe in prophecy, because it said I would have another half a person who shared the powers I had and there was no one like that. No one.

I listened to my friends conversations wondering what they were talking about. Wondering if it was me.

"Beautiful. Tell me again what they are called." Starfire said to Robin.

"Fireworks." Robin said, then there was a short silence as they watched them. The bright colors making the night sky light up.

"On my home planet such explosions would mean that the Gordanians were attacking. Are you sure Earth is not under attack?" She asked him.

"Positive." Robin said, with a laugh.

Then they started talking about cotton candy, I stopped listening, bored with their conversation.

Then I switched to Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg. They were playing some kind of game.

Beast Boy and Cyborg laughed. "Booyah." Cyborg said at the same time Beast Boy said, "Sweet!"

I heard the sound of a chicken clucking, then Beast Boy said, "Told ya we'd win you a prize." Then he handed her a giant chicken.

"A giant chicken, I must be the luckiest girl in the world." She said, sarcastically.

Then Robin landed beside them, "Titans trouble." Then he found me in the crowd and waved at me, signaling there was a problem. Like I didn't already know, I had heard him yell Starfire's name even when I wasn't trying to listen to them.

 I spread my wings and flew to where Starfire was struggling to get rid of a giant pink thing chasing her. I headed straight for it, planning to meet it head on. Starfire had other ideas.

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