Chapter 3: History

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"AUDREY ELIZABETH MILLER GET YOUR LAZY BUTT UP!" My dad's voice boomed up the stairs. While my parents are hardly home in the afternoons. They are always there in the mornings. It's one of the things that I love about them, although they don't a lot of time with my after school they have always made sure to wake me up for school and only leave after I have left.


"DON'T LIE TO ME YOUNG LADY! IT'S ALREADY 7:30!" Shoot! That means I only have 15 minutes to get ready and leave for school! After hearing that I immediately rush around my room to get dressed. Ten minutes later I make it out of my room and downstairs. Although I didn't have time to put on make up I figure a day without makeup couldn't hurt. I kissed both of my parents on the cheeks and grabbed a granola bar and got into my car in a rush. Hopefully I can make it to school on time.

13 minutes later, I make it into the school parking lot. Luckily I find one parking spot left in the lot closest to the school, the bad part? It is literally as far from the entrance as possible. Quickly parking I run to the school. Hopefully I can make it before the bell rings.

"Cutting it close I see Ms. Miller."

"Sorry Mr. Brown. It won't happen again."

"I hope so. Take your seat."

Sighing I walk to my seat and sit. On the way to my seat I notice Ashton. I didn't know we had a class together. Halfway through the class, Mr. Brown announced that we had to break up into partners in order to work on a project. Sighing, I look around to find someone to work with. I had not friends in this class and the people who I am friendly with have a friend already. I look over and see that Ashton does not yet have anyone to work with. I catch his eye and begin to walk over to him.

"Hey Ashton! Want to work together?" I question.

"Yeah that'd be great." He replies indifferently.

"Okay... So do you have any ideas for the project? I don't really want to do a boring poster presentation. "

"Anything is fine with me, as long as it isn't a video."

" Well all we have to do is do a project about a moment in history that we believe has impacted history the most. In my opinion it's the Cold War."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well the Cold War is the cause of almost all our problems today. For example it's the reason for part of the anti Russian sentiments we have in the nation. Also, we kind of failed to push all of the communists out of Korea so now there is North Korea and South Korea. And now there's the issue with the Middle East."

"Good point, we can do that. Should we do a PowerPoint? I think that one requires the least work."

"Sounds good! When should we meet to work on it?"

"Want to meet tomorrow after school?"

"Sure! Want to meet at lunch a bit to discuss a bit of the project?"

"You won't mind skipping lunch with your friends?"

"Not at all. We don't have to meet though."

"N-no it'd be great if we could meet at lunch. Let's meet in the school library."

"Great! I'll see you then."

My next class is French which I have with Courtney. But it's just her in that class not Courtney and Marissa so I should be okay. Entering the class I sit next to Bethany.

"Hey Bethany!"

"Hey Audrey! How's your day so far?"

" Brown assigned us project with partners."

"Seriously? Why a project? We have midterm exams coming up in two weeks and he gives us a project!"

"Yup so be prepared when you go to his class."

" Thanks for the heads up!"

A couple periods later it was time for lunch. I hurry to the lunch room since I am starving. Pulling out my Caesar salad and bag of Lays chips I begin to eat. While my friends chatter around me, I look around the cafeteria to see if there was anything new.

My eyes land on Caden's table. Hmm why is Ashton not there? Is he sick? He was here this morning. Wait a minute! He was here today and we were discussing our history project, we were supposed to meet at the library during lunch. I look at the nearest clock and saw that it was only 10 minutes into lunch. We still have 30 minutes left. I wrap up my lunch and get up in a rush.

"Whoa Aud, what's the rush? Lunch is no where near over!" Marissa exclaim.

"I know I'm sorry! I forgot that I had to meet with Ashton in the library to discuss a project!"

"You're partners with Ashton King for that project? That's unfortunate, I heard that he barely talks." Kayla tells me. I didn't reply to that as I rush out of the lunch room.

I walk as fast as my legs could carry me and when I finally spot Ashton,I see that he was about he leave.

"Ashton wait!" I yell. I hear a loud "SHH" from the librarian and quickly apologize.

"Ashton, I am so so sorry for being late. I had a lot on my mind and I was hungry so I was in the cafe eating. And then I realized that I was supposed to meet you so.." Mid way I hear chuckling.

" It's fine really. It's understandable. I mean this in the nicest way but can you stop rambling, other people are kind of glaring at us for interrupting their peace." He replied.

"Oh sorry!" I whisper. Taking a seat across from the table, we start discussing the project.

"Okay so where should we meet tomorrow? Do you want meet at my house tomorrow at around 7? So we'd have time to do homework before we work on the project?" He asked.

"That's sounds great! Can you text me your address so that I can type it into my Phone's GPS? My number is 573-193-9138."

"Yeah I'll do that now."

"Should I bring anything?"

"Um probably just your laptop and history textbook. You can also find some books on the effects of the Cold War if you want."

"I'll do that!"

"Great. Well there's ten minutes left of lunch so might as well stay here. "

After school that day I get a text from my older brother. He's twenty years old and currently in Hollywood at acting school. I hardly get to see him since I'm across the country in New York. The message read:

"Hey sis, I know you have a week long break after your midyears. Want to come to LA and hang out with me? I have classes for a couple hours a day but you can explore while I'm in class."

Smiling in excitement I respond:

"I'd love to spend my break with my big brother! Did you ask mom and dad yet?"

His response came almost immediately.

"Nope not yet. I didn't want to ask if you didn't feel up to it. I'll give them a call tonight."

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