Minhyuk shot up from his seat in the middle of their lovers spat as Jisoo's name was thrown every which way. He grabbed his bag and stuffed his worksheet in it before walking out of the classroom. He couldn't function like this, but it wasn't rational for him to want to make sure she was okay to this extent either. He knew absolutely nothing about the girl.

Although deep down, he was aware of exactly why he was a nervous wreck about her.

And it made him sick.


"Shouldn't you be in class?" The woman behind the computer eyed Minhyuk.

He had taken off his mask and hoodie on the way there, hoping he could be more convincing if he looked less menacing.

"Yeah, but my teacher wanted me to deliver some homework to an absent classmate after school. He said I should come before I forget and that you could give me the address." Minhyuk gathered all his energy to smile brightly.

It was draining and hurt his cheeks.

"Who's the student?" Minhyuk looked away from the name placard at the edge of her desk. "Jisoo."

The woman behind the computer, Miss Kang as Minhyuk had just learned, continued to stare at him blankly. Minhyuk started to feel a cold sweat break out at the back of his neck.

"Last name?" Miss Kang raised an eyebrow, clearly not amused.

Shit. He didn't know her last name!

How incredibly stupid could he get?!

He looked over to the wall at his right, his panicked eyes reflected on the picture frame's glass across from him. The planets of the milky way galaxy were pictured inside the frame, detailed descriptions of each one included.

"I'm Moon Jisoo."

Ah, right... Moon.

It was Moon.

Her smile and hand, the hug... everything about her had been so bright and warm.

She was always warm.

"Moon," He mumbled out, still staring at the picture, not quite sure if what he said was even audible.

"What was that?" Miss Kang said as she now chewed on a piece of gum noisily. He turned to her, snapping out of whatever that had been and replied, "Moon."


She lived far.

Much farther than he did from their school and that was saying a lot.

"What a pain," He said as he got off the bus.

As he looked around him, he began to realize where he was. He had been to this area quite often before, recognizing the convenience store him and his brothers had often frequented. That had been quite a while ago...

As he made his way to her house, he found memories popping up at random. He shook out his head and resorted to staring at the ground, putting his hood on to block his view. He didn't need reminders of everything that had been good in his life and couldn't have anymore.

By the time he arrived at her front door step, it was already lunch time and he was starving. He had half a mind to run off and grab something, but he knew he wouldn't even be able to eat without finding out if she was okay first.

He pushed the doorbell with his index finger and fixed his mask. She lived in a quiet cul-de-sac, unlike the apartments he and his brothers had grown up in. As run down as the area and houses seemed, it gave off an aura of coziness. He missed that about this place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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