16. Recreating a Cheesy Moment from the Movies of '85

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16. Recreating a Cheesy Moment from the Movies of '85


In Mike's short life, he had seen many great films: the entire Star Wars trilogy (Episode IV: A New Hope, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Episode VI: Return of the Jedi), but after he took El to see Back to the Future, she loved the song Earth Angel and after he bought her the record - he knew it was on the verge of breaking and shattering with the number of times she has played it.


El was happily bouncing in the passenger seat of Hopper's Blazer, watching the small town fly by the window as she was driven to the Wheeler's house. Where her friends would be (and her precious boyfriend, Mike).

Even though Back to the Future was yet to be released of VHS, but Mike had the soundtrack, had it was one of the many that he played when The Party™ came to the Wheeler's. And today would be no different.


"Michael, Jane's here!" Karen called for her son, as Hopper's blazer pulled up in front of the home, and Hopper's little girl (her son's girlfriend) presses a kiss to her father's cheek and climbed out of the truck/car.

This is when she hears not just one pair of rumbling feet up the basement stairs, but five pairs (of Mike and his four friends) rushing past each other to greet the last member of their self-proclaimed Party.

"JANE!" They exclaimed, rushing out of the door, and as Hopper drives away - the group of five wraps the final member in a hug - becoming the group of six that is all too perfect.

Earth Angel, Earth Angel, will you be mine? My darling dear, love you all the time. I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you.

El smiled over their shoulders, nuzzling her face into the person on her left - that she could tell by absolutely anything, is her boyfriend, Mike Wheeler.


Once The Party™ was happily reunited, the ran back inside the house, and back into the basement - where Mike sets up his record player, and Dustin brings out one of the board games that the boys use to play as young children (that now just sits on a shelf and collects dust).

Mike watched as El happily wabbled her head back and forth to the music coming from the record player - the first week he met her, she barely smiled or laughed, and now that he gets to see when he wants - he sees her smiling and laughing all the time, and he was happy for her.

Earth Angel, Earth angel, oh one I adore. Love you forever, and ever more. I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you.

Max didn't play the board game, she just sat on the worn down sofa and flicked through one of the comic books that Mike allowed her to read through (X-Men, one that she hasn't read yet, and sees the connection between El and Jean Grey).


After Will and El had picked up the piece from the board game (that Dustin had flung off the table as he lost) and put them on the wobbly table - where Mike was putting the pieces the pair picked up and onto the table, away.

Which is the time that Max wanted to go home, and the only way for her to get home, was on the back of Lucas's bike. Will's mom had rung Karen, as she wanted Will to come home because she had something to tell him. Dustin just didn't want to sit in the same room as the lovey-dovey couple that is Mike and El.

I fell for you, and I knew. The vision of your love's loveliness. I hope and I pray, that someday, I'll be the vision of your hap, happiness.

After the rest of the Party™ left, the only one left was El - which is when Earth Angel by Marvin Berry & The Starlighters, and El did a small skip to where the record player sits and turned it up.

Mike held his hand out for her to dance with him, and when the line "I'll be the vision of your hap, happiness", Mike leaned in, and placed a kiss on her lips, something that El imagines every time she hears the song (as well as Every Breath You Take by the Police).

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