8. Fourth of July Extravaganza

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8. Fourth of July Extravaganza


El was excited to experience the Fourth of July, especially with her new boyfriend! Even just calling Mike her boyfriend was sending happy thoughts through her brain.

Even Mike was very happy when he called El his girlfriend. She was one of his favourite people on the planet, she is his favourite person on the planet.

He was so looking forward to show her the Fourth of July weekend.

- Thursday 4th July -

Hopper and El went in the car to the Wheeler's for their annual Independence Day Party.

"I'm excited for you to properly experience Independence Day," Hopper said to her, taking the turn onto Maple Street.

"Me too," El replied, smiling over at her dad. Considering she was hiding last Independence Day, it only made sense for her to celebrate America's freedom with her friends - like she was celebrating her own freedom.


Karen had been told about 'Jane', but she still hasn't been introduced to El, the little girl that Mike had hidden in her in the basement of 1983.

She had told Hopper that when they arrive, that they can simply walk into the backyard and join the party. She was excited to properly spend some time with the girl who has captured Mike's heart.

El was excited to spend time with her friends and properly experience the day that was loved by all Americans. She couldn't wait to spend more time with Mike after their wonderful movie date.


"Hi!" Dustin exclaimed, seeing El walk through the back gate and into the backyard.

Mike looked over and smiled at his new girlfriend, happy that she was spending time with her today.

El's eyes locked with Mike's as her face brightened, any time of the day, she loved looking at Mike's face - his freckled cheeks, dark eyes that showed how he felt about her. 

Mike watched as she toddled over to him, only to be attacked by Holly, who seized her legs with a happy smile. "ELLIE!" She shouted, being just like her siblings in loudness and smartness. Mike had to hold in a heavy sigh of exasperation that his baby sister was currently hogging El's attention when he just wanted a hug, cuddle and a kiss off her.

El uprooted Holly from the floor and leaned her on her hip. "Hello, you," she smiled at Holly, and because Holly's feet were nowhere near the floor - the teenager was able to walk over to her boyfriend and gave him a soft smooch - much to the annoyance of the rest of the Party™.

"Guys! Could you not!" Dustin exclaimed, as Holly squirmed in disgust and left El's arms in favour of the cupcakes she saw her mommy bring out.

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