4. Roadtrip!

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4. Roadtrip!


Max had been fiddling through some brochures that her 'stepfather' had brought home from work one evening, and saw that The Old Indiana Fun Park, was hosting the "Middle Country USA".

It had already been open a couple of weeks, and Max proceeded to beg, and beg, and beg the adults to let them go on a road trip into the city to visit the park.

Unsurprisingly, the first parent to cave was her own 'stepfather', soon followed by Mike's 'father', which surprised neither Max nor Mike.

It took a while, but it wasn't too long before the responsible adults of the group (Joyce, Hopper, Claudia and Mrs Sinclair - even though Karen Wheeler was a responsible adult, she'd let slip of the responsibility of her children down) had grouped together and agreed.

Steve Harrington (the suddenly better older brother of Troy, the boys' bully when they were in middle school, they don't know where he went for the majority of this year, but no one was complaining), would be taking the party to the city of Indiana, and made sure that they would be having fun without any problems.

As well as Steve, Nancy and Jonathan would be going on the road trip as being an 'adult supervisors' that the actual adults wanted for the group.


Mike was sat in the car, rather than watching the scenery go by, he was watching El (who was currently doing the same thing Holly would be doing) watch the scenery go by.

El was watching the scenery go by, in awe of what was going past her eyes. She'd only been out of the state once, which she was extremely fascinated about, but the only people that she had told about her time in Chicago was Hopper and Mike.

She trusted Mike with her entire life, as she did with Hopper, but Mike was the first person to treat her like a true human being, he was the first to take her in and; teach her, feed her, care for her, nurture her. 

Mike was her favourite person. Ever.


When they arrived at The Old Indiana Fun Park, they looked at all the rides (even though there wasn't many around, they looked very run down and abandoned even though it was up and running.

Stories From Summer; Stranger Tales From The Summer of '85Where stories live. Discover now