"Hey!" Kol exclaimed, placing a hand over his heart as he looked to her. "I am a delight to be around, unlike one tramp who decides to go for the first boy who shows her att--"

"Bloody hell!" Klaus exclaimed, growing irritated at their child-like banter. "We are here for mine - our daughter - not to play around!" He growled out, glaring at them.

"Thank you, Klaus," the brunette said, sending the 'big, bad hybrid' a small smile, her gratitude showing through as she looked in his eyes.

"You're welcome, Hayley,' Klaus said, sending her a smile, as well.

"Come on," Hayley urged, her excitement getting the best of her as she walked towards the police station, leaving the others to look at eachother before following.

As they walked into the police station, everybody stopped and looked to them, staring at the group of six in surprise.

"Hello." Hayley smiled at he receptionist.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The receptionist asked, her green eyes staring into Hayley's brown-green eyes.

"Now that you asked that..." Hayley trailed off before she leaned forward and looked into the receptionists eyes. "Do you know Hope Mi--" she stopped, realizing that she didn't know Hope's last name. "Do you know a young girl named Hope by any chance?" She rephrased her sentence.

"Oh." the receptionist smiled. "You mean, Hope McCall?" She asked, her green eyes having a certain sparkle to them as she recalled Hope.

"Yes." Rebekah stepped forward, eager to know about her niece. "Tell us what you know about her," she compelled the receptionist.

"Ah, Hope is such a bright young soul, always helping as much as she can," she told them, her smile turning into a frown. "Though, now that I think about it, she has is also troubled."

"Care to elaborate?" Kol asked, impatient.

"It didn't really start until her tenth birthday," the receptionist started. "She just ran away from her home literally minutes after midnight. Her brother was a blubbering mess, upset about her departure and the fact that their best friend was very hurt - head injury. He said that he didn't know what happened, but that Stiles went flying into the wall and the next thing he knows, Hope is running out of the house, crying," she explained.

"That must've been when her magic developed," Freya stated, frowning.

"Hope was missing for two complete years. In those years, poor Melissa was just a mess. She was always working, never spending that much time with Scott who didn't talk to anyone but Stiles. But, then, on Hope's twelve birthday, she showed up with cops escorting her. She didn't explain where she had been or who she had been with, only that she was better and that she wasn't gonna leave again," the receptionist ranted, sighing at the end. "Everything was pretty much normal until their Sophomore year came around. People ended up dead left and right, and her and her group of friends seemed to always be in the middle of it all."

"Is that all?" Klaus asked, his hand finding it's way to his hair.

"For breaks like spring, fall, but mostly summer, Hope seems to disappear with two older men, men who she considers family. I never asked, though. No one asks anything because we all know that Noah will get on our asses if we did," she chuckled, shaking her head.

"And who is this Noah person?" Hayley asked, her nose scrunching up.

"He's the sheriff and basically Hope's father, though, there is talk that he will probably end up her father-in-law." The receptionist chuckled, thinking of Hope and Stiles and how they were around eachother.

Klaus growled, but before he could lash out, Freya stepped forward. "We understand that something went down a few weeks ago, something involving Hope." She paused. "We wanna know what it was."

"Nobody knows for sure but it was said that her best friend Allison Argent was going to her car when she got mugged, but she fought back and got stabbed." The receptionist looked down. "She didn't survive." She looked at Klaus and Hayley. "Hope was so heartbroken that she literally skipped school for the rest of the year and disappeared. She's lucky that she's smart enough to not get held back." She smiled at all of them. "I heard she is back. Do you know if she's okay?"

"No, we do not." Rebekah shook her head before stepping forward, looking in the receptionists eyes. "I want you to forget about this whole conversation, and I want you to forget our faces. We don't want anyone to be suspicious, now do we?" She smirked and pulled back just as the sheriff stepped out of his office.

"Sheriff!" Kol shouted, ignoring the looks that his siblings were giving him.

"Yes?" The sheriff walked towards them, raising his eyebrows. When his blue eyes landed on Klaus, he frowned. He was reminded of Hope so much when he looked at him. "How may I help you?"

"Where is Hope?" Kol compelled him, narrowing his eyes.

"She's out camping with her friends, should be back tomorrow," Noah - the sheriff - stated.

"Hmm," Kol hummed before nodding. "Thanks, now forget about meeting us and this whole conversation," he compelled him before he walked out of the station, the rest of the original family following him.

"We came all the way down here to only find out that she is out camping with friends?!" Hayley shouted, slamming her hand against a car, denting it.

"Hey, hey. Shh," Klaus wrapped Hayley in his arms, kissing the top of her head, sighing. "Even though I really want to see her, I guess we're just gonna have to wait another day," he told her, rubbing her back. "Plus, that gives us enough time to find a home big enough for this bloody family, and a home that Hope will love."

"Thank you!" Rebekah shouted in glee. "Now, let's go!" She sashad all the way to her blood red convertible.

"So bloody demanding," Kol shook his head before following after her.

"Are you alright, love?" Klaus looked down at Hayley as Elijah walked towards his BMW with Freya following him.

Hayley looked up at Klaus, biting her lip. "I just... we've been waiting all our lives to see her and then when we finally get the chance, when we are finally in the town that she lives in." she took in a shaky breath. "She is off somewhere with her friends. It's like the universe is trying to keep her away from us." A tear skidded down her cheek which Klaus quickly wiped away with his thumb.

"Shh. Shh," Klaus sighed and frowned down at her. "Now, why would the universe keep two desperate parents away from their grieving and clearly broken daughter?"

Hayley shook her head, not knowing. "I don't know," she admitted, burying her head in Klaus' chest.

"Exactly." Klaus sent her a small smile. "Now, let's go pick out a house that we know that Hope would love. Okay?"

Hayley nodded. "Okay."

Klaus grabbed Hayley's hand and they made their way to their shared car.

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