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rye (hopefully)
Andy: hello
Andy: i have had a busy, busy day
Andy: of doing nothing
Andy: and then panicking about the fact that i was doing nothing
Andy: and then continuing to do nothing
Andy: exhausting, really
Andy: i hate not being able to get anything done
Andy: but i don't want to force it either?
Andy: either way as you can tell i have finally surrendered and am texting you
Andy: because in my spare time (lol) i have been wondering what you're doing
Andy: and like? i know that you're camping? but the specifics
Andy: (also i've gotten quite good at carrying on conversations with myself so don't worry about a lack of wifi or data or signal or whatever? i think i have discovered a rare talent of mine, called blathering on and quite possibly convincing you that i'm a weirdo who you should never contact again)
Andy: also i have other friends, i promise, i just like talking to you the most
Andy: anywayS, even when rambling on i've managed to get sidetracked
Andy: how are you? have you wrestled any bears? been burnt to a crisp by the sun? how many mosquitos have made attacks on you?
Andy: i can't say that i'm much of an outdoorsman myself
Andy: but like, i like the thought of you out there, braving the wild
Andy: i can picture it
Andy: and, just ahead of time: shut up, i know i've only seen one picture of you but 👋🏼us creative types have to make a living somehoW
Andy: maybe i'll write a song about: you
Andy: in the woods, that is
Andy: god maybe i aM a flirt
Andy: also i'm grouping you in with the creative types because, true to my word, i am still listening to your soundcloud
Andy: i am still very much in love with it
Andy: it's a bit of an intimate feeling, actually
Andy: knowing that hardly anyone else has heard these beautiful vocals and yet i am blessed enough to
Andy: i feel quite honored, really
Rye: There's a little bit of signal here
Rye: There's a small possibility that I hiked up a hill to try and find some
Rye: So if anyone's the weird one here it's me
Rye: That is, if these messages will even send
Rye: I hope that me willing them along will helP?
Rye: I'm even starting to type like you
Rye: I've still got my capital letters intact, though
Rye: Oh, I've wrestled a few bears, for sure
Rye: If by braving the wild you mean staying in a tent right outside of a cabin, then: Your right
Rye: Was told to stay in the cabin but I like being close to the Earth and such
Rye: Maybe another creative type thing?
Rye: Oh dear god
Rye: Now all of my messages are sending at once
Rye: Guess it's time to walk back down this hill and pretend that I haven't spent the past fifteen minutes texting you
Rye: I'll be wondering about what a song about me in the wild is going to sound like
Rye: 👋🏼

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