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Hari ni aku ade interview kerja. I'm  so excited because.. Can you imagine one of the most biggest company reply email aku (!) Email resumelah but.. Well, whatever. My luck this time.. I guess.. Kita grateful bersyukurlah

Sesampai je aku kat building tu. Weh sumpah huge nak mampos! Maybe this kind of building yang orang panggil pencakar langit tu. Aku rasa boleh biul otak kalau pergi tingkat atas sekali. Agak-agak tingkat berapalah atas tu.. Jap aku kira.. Satu dua tiga empat lima enam tuju—

Stranger: Yes, Miss. What can I help you?

'Oh hi. Im here for interview. Interview for personal assinstant.'

Stranger: Oh I see.. For Mr Park Jimin or Mr Jeon Jungkook.

'Hmm sorry but nobody informed me that'

Stranger: Its okay. You can take the lift over there go straight to level 18. Level 18. Make sure tekan level 18.

'Sure. Lift. Level 18. Thankyou'

Wow that guard is hot! But hm who is Park Jimin? Jeon Jungkook? Okay whatever. I will know about them later by the way.

Stranger: Miss Sabby?

'Oh yes. It's me.'

Stranger: Call me Amanda. So, I guess you're the 1st person to come for our 2nd interview.

Wowww ade 2nd interview. Okay. That's make sense bila tengok this huge building bukan anyone can enter suka hati right. But. I did a great job! 1st person huh. Yeszaaa

Amanda: Please. Follow me.

Aku pun follow jela minah ni. I dont know but why I feel this kind of bad aura daripada this girl. Dari tadi asyik jeling. Kang aku lepuk mata tu kang. Elok elok skit pandang orang tu takleh ke.

Aku pun follow jelah minah ni.

Amanda: Okay. Seat. I'm the person in charge since the bosses are currently busy with sudden meeting.

Woww.. Wait.. The bosses? Did she mean— Jap aku tengah blur nih. Kenapa dengar macam ramai sangat boss nih.

Amanda: So sabby, can you introduce yourself.

'Hm. Okay. I'm Sabrina. Sabby for short. 23 this years. Just graduated fo—

*knock knock*

Amanda: Wait for a sec

Mr x: How's goin—

The guy just about to tell something pada Amanda but caught my eyes on him. Let me describe this guy. 1st impressions he's hot! Okay skip that. This might sound crazy tapi this guy nampak leader gila. Nampak macam dia own this place. Dominant aura? With his black hair, forehead dia kasi tunjuk haa aku lemahlah, and in black suit. And fuck. Got dimple! Sorry but I really love guy with dimple. Kiut weh haaa rase gerammm.

Amanda: Oh Mr Namjoon. This is our 1st —

'It's okay, Amanda. I know.'

'So, Miss Sabrina. Right?'

How did he know? Wowww.. okay. Dia jeling kat kertas resume yang ade kat tangan Amanda. Terkejut aku. Bergetar jantung. Suara dia lembut gilaaa. Alahaaai serius ke ni boss aku!

'A-Hmm yes. Hello, Mr Namjoon.'

Dia senyum kat Amanda and hulur tangan. Amanda dapat hint and pass the resume paper. Dia terus dudk depan aku. Sumpah dekat gila. Flawless nak mampus.

'Okay, Sabrina. Can I know what kind of —Oh and Amanda.. You may go now..'

Amanda: But-Buu.. Okay sir.

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