Chapter Nineteen

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We rushed through the door, holding the boy between us. Unconscious again, he was slightly easier to carry. Though, it was only a short while until he would wake up, which meant we had to move fast. We'd waited until dark to move him, and when no one would be in the Wyrm. If someone had seen us they'd be against the extremely impulsive and disturbing decision, and would stop us. Maybe it would have been better if that had happened; we'd been stopped. After all, this would do way more harm than good, but at this point I hadn't cared. I had just wanted to see this man pay for what he'd done, how much he'd hurt myself, and FP. 

The two of us threw Malachai onto a wooden chair in the middle of the basement, FP holing him upright as I tied cable ties, and then rope around the ankles and around his wrists. There had been a cloth in the corner in which I was now gagging him with. The whole ordeal was fucked, we knew that. As I looked into my partner's eyes, I saw fear. Though, nothing that Malachai's eyes weren't showing. 

At first, when he came around, he looked hazed; confused. The dim lights downstairs had made it difficult for him to interpret any surroundings, which is what we'd wanted. The basement of the Wyrm was a dusty, empty place, yet full of dark secrets. There was a lot I didn't know about that had happened down here - if anything, I knew that. But I don't think I entirely want to discover the mystery, and the truth about FP's evil side. Before, I would have thought he was rough, a tough lover with a violent attitude, but now I saw the reality behind FP. It wasn't an act; he was a genuine terror. People should fear him. Though, at the current state I'm in, I don't have any room in my brain to consider this as a potential red flag. For all I am in this moment, is a sinner. That's something we all had in common, even Malachai. The only difference was that I wouldn't kill his child. But, perhaps that makes me weaker. 

Malachai soon reacted to his situation, his body stiffening at first, and then the adrenaline kicked in, and he began to move around, squirming in his seat. His voice was muffled by the cloth, but I knew he was swearing at me. I picked up the knife from the counter, walking to him. He froze up, staring at the blade, and I smiled. I glanced behind him to a blankly-staring FP, also looking between myself and the knife. I edged closer to Malachai, unsure of what I was going to do to him and myself. FP rushed toward us, beginning to speak. 
"Don't do anything you'll regret, Jasmine." He spoke. At first, I agreed, but as I thought more I became more motivated to hurt the boy in front of me. 
"I wouldn't regret anything I could do to him." I spat, lunging forward. I ripped the knife downward, and Malachai screamed. 

I'd only cut down his shirt, and then ripped it off. Laughing I shook my head. 
"You're not getting off that easily." I said, throwing the tattered piece of clothing to one side. For the first time, I felt a growing hunger to hurt him. I liked seeing him fear me, because it had meant he would regret what he'd done to me, to my family. FP seemed reluctant to allow me the power, though I hadn't cared. It was my right. 
"You murdered our baby." I told him, not allowing the tears blinding my vision to fall. Malachai wouldn't get to me anymore. Everything happens for a reason. I tried to reassure myself, so in this moment I wouldn't completely overcome with grief and break down, sobbing on the floor. "You stole my boyfriend's happiness, my one chance of happiness. And you're going to regret it for the rest of your disgusting, putrid, short-lived life." As the sentence had progressed, I became increasingly enraged. Malachai's mouth turned to a smile, and he laughed under the gag. For that, I frowned, slapping him around the face, and removing the cloth before shouting. 
"What the fuck are you laughing at?" I screamed. He wouldn't get the better of me, not now. But, in the dusky cellar beneath what was a place of freedom for me, I felt helpless. I hadn't let myself analyse the situation to the fullest, utmost percent. I'd let emotions get the better of me. And for that, I knew I'd be punished. 

My heart sank as I realised what I'd done. I would go to prison for this, as would FP. I knew Malachai would punish us if he got out, yet murdering him would be not only something we could never undo, but also something we'd spend the remainder of our lives in prison for. And, at eighteen, I didn't plan on getting a life-sentence. 

"I'm going to win, even if you kill me. Because what I've done will haunt you forever." Malachai's voice was dry, as he'd spent the day without water, tied in our livingroom, until he was drugged, and taken into his current location. The curls hung loosely over his forehead, dripping in sweat. 
"At least I'm not going to have to sit in my own piss and shit for the next week." I said, turning my back to him, and walking around the corner to meet with the stairs. I sat, placing the weapon beside me, beginning to silently sob. I could hear movement in the room beside me, and soon footsteps toward the doorway, until I looked up to see FP standing above me. Sighing, he crouched down to meet my eye-level, taking a hand to hold mine. 

"Baby, you should go." He spoke, looking me in the eye. He seemed tired, and worried. 
"Why would I leave you with that monster?" I replied, shaking my head. "I'm not going." I continued, trying to think of a way to persuade him. 
"You're not strong enough to see what I am gonna do to him, Jasmine." FP's voice was much lower now, and filled with hate. Though, I agreed. I had a weak stomach for anything involving weapons, apart from brass knuckles. I knew he cared, but I didn't want to leave him here. 
"I can't leave you. I can wait here, but I am not leaving knowing he could escape and hurt you." I replied, truthfully. He'd already killed my child, I wouldn't let him harm my partner.
"Jasmine," He started, shifting slightly. "I don't want you to be a part of this, because if the cops find out, I can't have you getting arrested. It was me, my idea. And you just went along with it, because there wasn't another option. And that's okay, but it ends here for you." 

I let out more tears, before finally nodding. I didn't want to do this, but I also didn't want to leave him. I'd have to trust that FP had complete control over the situation, although I knew deep down he hadn't. Standing up, I brushed myself down, and leaned forward to kiss my boyfriend. 
"I love you, FP." I whispered. He smiled, replying soon after. 
"I love you too, baby." I closed my eyes to stop myself from crying more, allowing his hand to cup my cheek. "I'm gonna be fine." He said, attempting to reassure me. But it wouldn't work, because I knew I was as oblivious as to the future as he was. After a few moments, I turned to walk up the stairs, looking back to the man I had fallen in love with. He smiled weakly, as I left. 

Cigarette Burns // FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now