Chapter Seven

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"Wake up, we're gonna be late." Toni shook me, and I opened my eyes, groggily looking over to my phone. 15:09, Saturday. 
"Late for what?" I asked, sitting up and scratching my head. My arm was still sore from the tattoo, so bending the limb and stretching the skin made me wince. 
"Going to the Wyrm with the boys, I know it will take you at least three hours to get ready." She told me, winking. I smiled at her, she had been right. It would take a lot to get me ready for another night out, especially as I'd be around FP. 
"What do I wear?" I asked. 
"Want to impress your new daddy?" She laughed, raising a brow before pulling out the clothes from my bag, stopping at a red, low cut top and a pair of black jeans, along with the black heels I'd worn for the dance. "This should turn heads." She commented, laying it out in front of me. I planned to wear a lace push-up bra and thong underneath, in hopes I'd succeed in being suggestive again. The thought of last night, the feeling of his hands roaming me, the heated moans and general movements made me weak at the knees. I wanted it again, and I wanted more. 

"Where's Pea?" I realised after a few moments he wasn't there, when I'd been sure he had slept beside me on the living room floor. But as I looked around, there was empty sheets beside me. It had been messy last night; I remembered dancing with him, and kissing both Toni and Pea, as friends of course. Then feeding one another the remains of ice cream, and playing Dead of Alive on the beaten up Playstation Toni had retrieved from under her bed. It was fun, just extremely random and uncalled for. When I'd gotten high before, it hadn't been this good, so I was thankful I finally found friends I could share the experience with. 

I'd had a few missed calls from my mom, which I chose to ignore. I didn't want to hear from her, and be brought back to an unwanted reality of grades, jobs, finances. I could live off her money for a couple more days at the most, and then I'd go back to her and listen to whatever lectures she had for me. Today, however, I was seeing FP, and hanging out with my real family. The family I wish I'd had all my life, who let me be myself. 

I put on the clothes Toni had picked, along with makeup, and straightened my hair. However I still felt like I didn't completely fit the look I was going for, but it was too late now. I would just have to rock it, or the guys would be waiting for another few hours for me to re-do everything. 
"I'm ready." I said as I walked out from Toni's room, into the living room. Pea, Fangs and Jug were also here, as well as a slightly frightened looking Betty. 
"We won't bite." I whispered to her as we left, earning a small smile. We all left, walking to the Wyrm, where my lover would anxiously await my arrival, and we'd perhaps share only a few moments together. Toni knew, but no one else would understand if I disappear for a long time, and I wanted to make sure no one would know. Jug and I were getting close, and I didn't want him to find out and hate me, not to mention the relationship with his father. 

The warmth of the bar consumed me, the now homely smell of drink and cigarettes made me crave some of my own - immediately I wanted a beer. The music seemed louder today, but it could have been because I'd smoked part of a spliff before getting ready, and the buzz, was truly setting in; the heightened senses. 
"Come with me." I grabbed Toni's arm, dragging her to the bar as the rest of our friends wondered over to the usual spot. I bought a beer, and Toni a vodka and coke, and sat there with her, knowing FP would come past at some point. 
"I'm all for the drink, but I kind of want to be with the rest of the group. Don't you?" Toni asked, blatantly uncomfortable. Over this side of the Wyrm was the older generation, eyeing the both of us like meat. 
"They won't actually touch us." I reassured her, but she shifted, biting her lip. "Come on then." I sighed, standing and beginning to walk over to my new companions. 

We slipped between a lot of men, but as I shouldered into one, he stood out. Looking up, I realised him to be FP. 

"Ton-" I spoke out to her, however she'd already left and caught up with everyone, probably slightly tipsy from her drink. I turned back to face FP, who was looking down at me, smiling. He looked so gorgeous, even in the dim light his looks shone out past any other. And the way he looked, the small, genuine smile and light in the dark brown eyes, it melted me. Much unlike the lustful glances yesterday, he looked happy, content. 
"Do you know how to play?" He asked, gesturing to the pool table. 
I shook my head. "No." 
"Well I'll have to teach you. Crooks just potted the six. So we're going for the seven now." He let me slip between himself and the table, bending me over and taking the cue and placing it into my hands, his overlapping. 
"Bend your fingers like this." FP pressed his fingertips to the green overlay on the table, and I did the same. "Use it as a guide," He continued, pushing the cue between our hands, and hitting the small, white ball into the nine, which caused a chair reaction until the seven grazed the pocket. We took another turn, having to move around the table to try again. This time, he held me looser, but pressed himself against my ass more. I could feel the blood rushing around my body as he thrusted himself on me, but I tried to focus on the game. 

The ball fell through the pocket, and FP moved back, smiling at me, clapping slowly. The other men around the table clapped too, before getting back to the game. I wondered whether this was a game to FP, something that he did to charm all of the girls. The other males seemed to know the protocol, let him teach, then clap. Make the girl proud, so she'd fuck him. 

"So, are you gonna take me upstairs?" I asked, reaching to the collar on his jacket, folding it over. 
"How old are you, again?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. I took a swig of beer, something I was becoming more accustomed to. It was disgusting, don't get me wrong, but I had drank it so much I'd desensitised myself to it. 
"Eighteen." I replied, anxiously. 
"Right." He nodded, eyes moving from me to the study. I watched his face turn in thought, before he pulled me upstairs. 

Our lips met again, rushed and heated. We kissed passionately, and this time he immediately lifted my in the air and, more softly, against the wall. I could taste nicotine and whiskey on his breath, making me crave him more. I was addicted, just as I had been to cigarettes and alcohol. I pulled on his belt loops, but instead of removing his jeans, he began unbuttoning mine, then placing me on the floor. He roughly grabbed me, bending me over the desk and pulling down my trousers and underwear, pushing into me. I moaned out, grabbing the sides of the desk to steady myself as he thrusted in and out of me. It took a lot to refrain from screaming from pleasure. He was hitting something, which I assumed to be a g-spot, though from what I'm not learning to be my own inexperience, I had no idea. 

"Fuck." Another word I was learning to hear more from FP. He reached to my hair, pulling it, pushing deeper again. 
I screamed, grabbing onto the loose paper on the desk, scrunching it up into a ball with my hand as I came, no longer caring about who would hear. Though I had sworn teh music had been louder tonight, so perhaps no one would. FP too released, bending over so his chest hovered over my back, lazily pulling himself out. I glanced down to his groin, this time he'd thankfully used a condom. 

We'd decided to exit the office at different times, to lessen any suspicions, but to meet again near to the snooker table to talk. I felt young again, like a giddy child waiting to meet Santa, as crude as the situation would be if that had been the case. I'd finished my beverage, buying another before seeing my dark prince once again in the dim, dusky light of the Wyrm. 
"Cigarette?" He asked, pulling one from his shirt pocket. I winked in reply, letting him light me up in the bar. No one would say anything; many of the men smoked in here anyway. 

"So, are you happy now?" FP questioned, watching my lips intently as ashy grey smoke left them. 
"What do you mean?" I retorted, wondering if he was referring to himself, being a Serpent, or something entirely different. 
"Well, Jughead tells me that you're not at home, and now you're a Serpent. Is this what you wanted?" He repeated, as if teasing me. A sarcastic I told you so
"I'm not happy, FP. It's obvious though." I inhaled the chemicals, letting the tobacco, nicotine, or whatever was now contaminating my veins through my lungs. 
"It ain't difficult to tell, Princess. But you're welcome in the Wyrm, and at my trailer. Jughead's fond of you too, so you've got a friend." I could tell he didn't often offer condolences or his own service to those in need, as he was so awkward about it. I'd appreciated the thought however, and smiled, thanking him. 
"And how are you, FP? Any troubles?" I poked his arm, though instead of pulling my hand away, I lingered, then holding the muscle lightly. My eyes shifted over his, and I felt truly in some sort of trance with him. He looked so gorgeous, and I had him. 
"I got a trouble, actually." I watched closely as he continued. "I want to kiss you right now, but I can't." He added, smoothly. 
"Shame, isn't it?" I replied, smirking. He rolled his eyes, leaning closer, mouth to my ear. 
"Don't use that tone with me, darling." 

Although I wanted to tell him not to tell my what to do, and how I'm my own woman, I didn't. I let him take some sort of control over me, because I knew it would only make him want me more. And I needed him to need me, so this 'fling' could continue. 
"Why, Jones?" I whispered in reply, just as seductively. He pulled his head back, staring right into my tired eyes, making me feel weak. 
"Or I'll tear your skimpy little shirt off in front of all these people." His voice remained low, yet still stern and slightly terrifying. I obeyed, not replying with all of the comments I'd had in my mind, only nodding and breathing the smoke in again. The cigarette grew smaller, but my hunger for the drug hadn't. I worried about what I'd do with my hands when I was finished, as I had to use every muscle in my body to stop myself from grabbing FP's dick right then and there. 

"Relax." I muttered to myself, standing straight and watching as FP walked back to his own 'friends', and I walked to mine. 

Cigarette Burns // FP JonesWhere stories live. Discover now