Fireworks // Luminous/Reader Drabble

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Fourth of July special!

You can obviously tell that Lumi is my favorite :,))

I heccin' screech out of joy when I find a Luminous x Reader ٩(ᵒ̴̶̷͈᷄ᵒ̴̶̷͈᷅)و. Its like the highlight of my WEEK!!🌟

A little warning:
Actions of suggestive cuddling and French kissing.



"Hm?" You hummed in a curious tone.

"Those lights...they're so beautiful." Luminous' bright eyes sparkled in adoration.

You giggled to yourself, snuggling yourself more into his torso. In response, he tightened his arm's grip on your shoulder while gently resuming to playing with a strand of your hair.

"What did you say that they were called again...?" He said, still in obvious awe.

"Fireworks, Lumi." You explained, calling him by his nickname.

He responded with a small gasp when another set was going off.

"Look! They're starting up again!" He exclaimed with his echo-y voice, pulling you closer with his other arm contributing.

You both watched multiple fireworks being fired off, one after the other. Creating a show of bright, multicolored lights dancing around the sky, tearing holes through the black background of the night.

"(Y/N)?" Your attention was brought when you heard your name. He took an index finger to your chin and brought your face up to his.

"Could we stay like this forever?" He spoke softly.

His words hit you with a wave of a warm feeling, especially lingering on your face.

"O-Of course, Lumi." You muttered, too lost in his red eyes, which almost seemed hypnotic.

Sometimes he thought of you as a goddess, who knew everything. Especially about a lot of things he never discovered. From the Aurora Borealis to Fireworks.

That's what he was seeing right now. He saw a goddess right in front of him, completely submitting to his touch.

He thought it was crazy, and how lucky he was.

As they both admired the other, space between them was slowly deteriorating, and soon he enveloped your lips in his.

You both seemed shy about French kissing, which is what he was attempting to do to make the night even more enjoyable.

As soon as his tongue touched yours, another set of fireworks burst, filling up the sky.

This seemed to stimulate you both, as you both swirled the tips of your tongues in sync with each others.

His arm slid around your waste, and brought you deeper into the kiss.

You both pulled away at the same time, for the same reason...air.

He lowered his face into the crook of your neck and muttered into your ear, "You're perfect..."

He left a small trail of butterfly kisses up your neck, and ended it with a small bite.

You couldn't respond, but only make incoherent noises of ecstasy.

Unexpectedly, he pushed you onto the soft grass, as to where he was on top of you.

Your face heated up, especially when he pecked your lips softly before laying next to you and turning you to the opposite side to face him.

He pulled you close to his chest and spooned you, his face back into the crook of your neck.

"I-Is this alright, dear...?" He himself too was pretty heated from the moment, his yellow face littered with a line of red.

You hummed in contentment, enjoying the moment with your Luminous.


Hope you guys enjoyed!!

- Meghan

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