Spyro x Dragon!Female!Reader

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Spyro has been your best friend ever since you two were little. You two grew up together and went on adventures together. Today, you two were fighting off a horde of chompies. Just you two. Not anyone else. You have recently developed a crush on Spyro. Seeing him fight made you blush. Which was weird, because you always fight side by side with him. Once you two defeated all of the compies, you were still blushing. "Um, (Y/N) why are you blushing?" Spyro questioned. You turned your head to look at him. "N-Nothing! Everything's fine!" You replied quickly. "Um, okay." You and Spyro started home. "(Y/N) you can tell me anything, it's okay." Spyro told you. "D-Don't worry! I'm perfectly fine!" You said. "(Y/N). I want you to tell me what's going on." Spyro said. "N-No!" "(Y/N) I'm serious just tell me I won't laugh or anything like that!" "No." "Please?" "No!" "Please!" "No!" "Come on (Y/N)! Just tell me!" "F-Fine!" You gave up. "I-I like you." You said in a small voice. You were blushing so much. "(Y-Y/N)! You mean it?!" Spyro said while blushing. "Y-Yes." You said. Spyro flew home very fast. You were left alone. You finally got home and flew up to your room. You laid down on your bed and started sobbing. "He probably hates me now." You said. You laid there for a while. You then heard the doorbell ring. You got up and flew downstairs. You opened the door. There stood Spyro, holding flowers in his claws. "S-Spyro?" "Yes (Y/N)?" Spyro said. "Why are y-you here?" You asked him.  "I wanted to ask you something." He said. "W-What is t-that?" You questioned shyly.  "Well, about what happened earlier, I thought about it and came to conclusion that I would like you to be my G-Girlfreind." He said while blushing. You looked at him while blushing. " I-I would love too!" You said and hugged him. Spyro blushed even redder and pulled you into a kiss. You both pulled away a few seconds later. "I love you (Y/N)." "I love you too Spyro."

A/N There it is! My first chapter of my first book! Also, please read the first A/N Before reading anything else in this book! See you in the next chapter!

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