Cynder x Male!Dragon!Reader

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There was one thing on your mind right now, and it was Cynder. Cynder is your best friend and you couldn't stop thinking about her. Her lovely wings, her stunning eyes, her beautiful colors... You have crushes on her for a while now, and you always have your mind set on her. You just sat in bed, thinking about Cynder. Cynder, Cynder, Cynder... You sighed and grabbed your phone. You hesitated, but managed the courage to text her.

(Y/N): Hey Cynder!

Cynder: Sup

You typed in 'Do you have time to come over?' Hesitating, you pressed the send button. You turned your phone off, waiting for a response. Bzzzzz! Your phone buzzed. You picked up your phone and looked at it.

Cynder: Sure, I'll be there at 2:30!

(Y/N): Great! See ya!

You sighed of relief, and checked the clock. 11:50. You got up and headed towards the door. You flew outside. Being quick about it, you flew to the pet shop. You went inside and walked up to the counter. "Hello, what can I get you?" The lady at the desk asked. "A bouquet of Iris." You said. (I don't know how to spell iris plural... don't hate meh x3) The lady walked to the back door and stepped inside. You looked around and took a whiff of the shop. It smelled of different aromas. The lady came back with a bouquet of Iris. She handed you the bouquet. "That'll be $6.50." She said. You handed her the money and turned to the exit. "Good luck." You whipped your head around. The lady winked at you. You smiled at headed out the door. You flew back to your house. You sat and played on your phone for a while. You check the time. 2:19! She'll be here soon! You quickly got up and grabbed the Bouquet. You waited by the door. Ding! You quickly hid the bouquet behind your back. You opened the door and stepped outside to be greeted by the one and only Cynder. You cheeks flushed a bright red. "Hi (Y/N)! Your looking a" She said. "H-Hi Cynder!" You managed to stutter out. "I-I've been WANT to ask you a question for the longest time." You stepped forward a little. "And what's that?" She asked. "W-W-Would you l-like to go on a date w-with me?" You stutter, blushing madly. Cynder blushed slightly red, and smiled. "O-Of course (Y/N)!" You took out the bouquet and held it out to her. She didn't hesitate to take it. She hugged you, and you hugged back.

Thanks for reading! This was requested by Infi1trait0rN7.     Hope you enjoyed!

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