Butters x Nelly

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"Butters Leopold Stotch?" I question.

"The one and only."

"God damn it...."

"I know...we all saw what his penis looks like in 4th grade..."

"Shut up!" I shout blushing.

"Yeah!" Red joins in. "And Nelly was just about to fight him while his little Butters was all in her face~"

"UGHHH!" I groan in annoyance and hide my face in my arms.

"Maybe you two should go in a date," Annie says.

I don't have a crush on Butters!
I don't have a crush on Butters!
I don't have a crush on Butters!
I don't have a crush on Butters!
I don't have a crush on Butters!
I don't have a crush on Butters!
I don't have a crush on Butters!
Butters doesn't even look cute!

I don't have a crush on Butters!I don't have a crush on Butters!I don't have a crush on Butters!I don't have a crush on Butters!I don't have a crush on Butters!I don't have a crush on Butters!I don't have a crush on Butters!Butters doesn't even lo...

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I don't have a crush on him!

I don't have a crush on him!

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The entire cafeteria quiets down...


I ran out of the lunchroom crying with the Niagara Falls on both sides of my cheeks.

I don't care anymore.

I do have a crush on Butters!

I exit out to the front of the high school with the collar of my flower shirt drenched in tears.

I sit on the concrete step with my hands covering my face.

Foot steps are heard. Fuck. It's so cliche.

A hand then rests on my shoulder.

I sigh deeply.


"Yeah Stotch?"

"H-How di..."

"Your voice..."

Butters sits next to me.
I blush a bit and try turning my head out into the snow on the ground.

Man...I don't have a good vibe.


I turn to face Butters. "Yeah?"

"Umm...uhh..." He stutters.

I place on hand on his cheek.

Butters blushed beet red and closed his mouth.

"Hehe...you are blushing~" I tease.

"So are...are you Nelly..."


My hand still on his face feels warm from the blood rushing to Butter's cheek. I open my mouth slightly.

Butters seems to know what I plan to do. He catches on and dives his head in.

We kissed. It was short. I mean...I may or may not have enjoyed it if it were longer, but I'll settle with what just happened.



"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I hesitate. After all these years refusing Butters as a lover, I now break that oath.


Butters tenses up. "Yeah?"

I dive in for a kiss.

Butters, completely unaware, fell in his back and blushed harder than I had ever seen. I don't think anyone could even have enough blood in their face to even show that shade of red.

Butters melts in and closes his eyes, unable to control his bodily functions.

We stayed like that for a moment. It was magical.

We part with hot visible steam rising from our mouths with several saliva trails.

Butters speaks. "Nelly...My house....Saturday night...it'll be fun."

I smirk. "I'll give you my V card when I get there."

Butters smirks as well. "Fine by me~"

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