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Shawn's pov
I wake up and look at the time. 7:47 am. I check my phone and there's no updates. Lilia and Y/n are passed out. I get out of bed and go downstairs to the kitchen. I past Michael passed out on the couch, holding a baseball bat.
I take the bat out of his hand and he jumps awake. "Michael it's okay it's dad," I say trying to calm him down. He lets out a sigh of relief. "Why were you sleeping down with a bat?" I ask. "I was just protecting the house, from you know," Michael says. My heart sinks. I didn't think how much it hurt the kids.
Michael follows me into the kitchen. I pour us each a cup of coffee. "Got any updates from the police department?" I shake my head. "We need to go find him ourselves, the police can't help us," Michael says getting up. I would stop him, but he's right. "Get your coat Mike," I say grabbing mine.

Michael's pov
I drive up to the wedding venue that we were last night. Police officers are surrounding the place. "You can't go past this point," an officer says. "Shawn Mendes, father of Kaden," my dad says showing his identity.
"And this is?" "My son Michael Mendes, brother of Kaden." The officer lets us through. We walk past the venue through some trees in the woods. "Officer Howie there's something behind those bushes," a officer yells.
I run over to the bushes. Oh my god. A small body covered in cuts and bruises with blood coming out of it. An officer pushes me out of the way. "Someone call an ambulance, the victim has lost a lot of blood." My dad runs over to me. "Oh god that's Kaden, that's Kaden," my dad says, his voice cracking.
"We need you to leave the area, this is a crime scene," an officer says pushing us away. "No that's my son, please." I pull my dad away from the bushes. I walk him to the car. I drive us home, in silence. When we arrive, my mom is in the kitchen with Lilia. "Where were you two?" She asks with worry in her voice.
"Michael go take your sister, back to her room," my dad says. I nod and we walk to the stairs, still able to hear their conversation. "What happened Shawn? What happened?" "I saw his body Y/n, he looked lifeless," my dad says his voice cracking. "Is he alive?" "I don't know, Michael and I were taken away from the scene."
I take a deep breath. "Lilies we should go to your room," I whisper to her. She's about to argue with me but stops. Lilia nods her head and I follow her up the stairs. "Michael, is Kaden going to be okay?" "I think so." Do I? Lilia starts crying. I pull her into a hug. "I miss him too Lilies," I whisper.

Your pov
"I don't know, Michael and I were taken away from the scene." You start crying and Shawn hugs you. "How could this happen? What did we do?" You say through sobs. "This isn't our fault, it isn't," Shawn says through sobs.

Love you for Forever  (Third book in my series)Where stories live. Discover now